Chapter 7: Show Time

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Darkness Talking

No One's POV

We see Lincoln standing in front of a mirror putting on a new outfit it was his new suit.

We see Lincoln standing in front of a mirror putting on a new outfit it was his new suit

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He looks at the viewers with a smile on his face.

"Oh hey everybody been a little bit hasn't it" He asked as he looked back at the mirror and started to straighten his tie.

"Honestly today is a very special day because it's time to start the actual revenge it feels unbelievable if I'm being honest because everything seems to be falling into place so easily I broke up Lori and Bobby, I killed Clyde, I became Immortal thanks to the serum, I have my little sister Lily with me and my powers are getting stronger by the day it feels like a dream but it's reality and I can't wait any longer for my revenge so come on everyone after all I have somewhere to get to" He said as he finished getting ready. He left his room and put his hands behind his back as he started to walk down the hallway. He pulled his eyes feeling like he was invincible and nothing was going to be able to stop him. Soon a cloud of black smoke and red eyes appeared by him.

"Everyone is gathered outside waiting for your orders Lincoln" The cloud said.

"Good and the secret weapon" He said while walking.

"It's ready to go" It said.

"Great Darkness informed the Army I'm going to be out there in a second I'm going to get my little sister because she is just like me with how much she hates our ex family for what they've done" He said calmly and after he said that the cloud disappeared. Soon he made it to his sister's room and knocked on it.

"Lily you ready" He asked and after he said that his little sister came out wearing a purple and black outfit I got for her of course.

"Lily you ready" He asked and after he said that his little sister came out wearing a purple and black outfit I got for her of course

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(This is the most non-sexualized outfit I could find that fits the theme of the fanfiction kill me)

"Yeah Lincoln I'm ready to go" She said and smiled happily. Lincoln took her hand and they started to make their way out of the base.

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