Chapter 4: Meanwhile With The Louds

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Darkness Talking

No One POV

Inside the Loud House Lori was crying he eyes out because Bobby dumped her. She did not know what to do so she went to the Loud House to seek comfort from her mom. Rita was hugging her daughter trying to calm her down and Lynn Senior was angry. He balled his hand into a fist.

"If I ever see that boy again I will beat him into a bloody pulp for hurting my daughter" He growled he was pissed Bobby broke his daughter's heart.

"Dad no I don't want Bobby to hate me more...." Lori said to her father and he sighs.

"I just don't get why he would break up with you with no warning as well" Lynn Senior said and he was clearly frustrated about this.

"Mom dad... h-he found out" Lori said trying to find the words to tell them about Bobby finding out about what they did to Lincoln.

"Find out about what" Rita said she was scared to find out what Bobby now knows.

"H-He found out about everything we did to Lincoln" Lori said and started to cry more. She thought she finally got over her missing little brother. She thought she forgave herself for she did to him. She thought everything her and her family did to Lincoln was just a memory. She thought Lincoln was in all the past and done with. She thought she wouldn't have to hear about her little brother anymore but she was wrong.

"How did he find out about that" Lynn Senior said in shock he thought that Lincoln was a chapter in their lives they well put behind them. All the Loud family promised each other that they wouldn't bring up Lincoln ever again because they feel way too guilty whenever they do but somehow Bobby found out. Their past is starting to came back hunt them for all they did to Lincoln.

"I d-don't know" Lori said she was now balling her eyes out she was not just upset about Bobby breaking with her is was also upset about Lincoln. He is now in her mind again after Bobby bringing it up and he is now plaguing her with guilt. Now that she is older she hates what she has done to her little brother but there's nothing she can do about it now. Rita right now is crying just like her daughter the memory of her missing son is now back she missed him so much and she deeply regrets what she has done to Lincoln. Since Rita and Lori were crying so loud that all the loud sisters could hear and came into the parents room to see what was going on.

"What is going on mommy why are you and Lori crying" A 7 year old Lily said she was worried about her mom and sister.

"It is nothing sweetie please go into the living room for a second" Rita said trying not to worry her youngest child. Lily nodded and left to go the living still worried about her mom and sister.

"Okay girls we have some news for you all but first we need everyone here" Rita said all the Loud sisters knew what she meant so the sisters with phones called all the sisters that moved out to come over.

(Timeskip to a few hours later brought to you by a Chibi Luna playing her guitar)

Leni, Luna, Luan, and Lynn Jr made it to the Loud House. Lynn Jr knocked on the door and Lucy opened the door.

"Hey sis what is up why did mom and dad want me and our other sisters back remember I am getting ready for football season" Lynn Jr said and crossed her arms.

"Yeah I was totes like finishing up my newest dress before this" Leni said.

"And I was in the middle of a jam session dude" Luna added.

"And I was getting ready for a birthday party" Luan said.

"I don't no but the spirits tell me it is more important than all those things" Lucy said and stepped to the side to let her sisters in. They walked in to see Lily watching TV and she saw her sisters and hugged them.

"I missed you all but what is going and why was mommy and Lori crying" Lily said in a worried tone of voice. She hoped her sisters knew what was going.

"It is probably nothin' lil sis just go back to watching TV" Luna said with a smile make Lily nod and go back to the couch. After that all the Loud sisters but Lily went to their mom and dad's room.

"Girls it is good to see you came... but we have something to tell you" Rita said sadly making all the girls but Lori worry.

"Bobby found out what we did to Lincoln... and he broke up with me because of it" Lori said making all the girls gasp.

"How did he find out" Lola said in shock about hearing Bobby finding out. She was also in shocked that Lincoln was brought up after all this time and she was sad because she missed her big brother.

"I don't know how he found out..." Lori said trying not to cry. All the loud sisters where trying not to cry even Lisa. Their only brother somehow came back in some way and they all felt guilt of what have done even Lynn Jr. They missed Lincoln so much and wished they did not do what they did to him because if they did not do that he would not have ran away. The room was now silent for a few minutes but then they heard a buzzing sound. Lynn Jr took out her phone to she got a text from an unknown number she opened the text and gasped and dropped her phone and tears filled her eyes.

"What is wrong Lynn" Lana said worried for Lynn but it seemed like she did not hear her.

"N-No Clyde... it can't be... he c-can't be" She mumbled and fell to her knees and started to cry. Luna picked up Lynn's phone and looked at the text it said 'Hi Lynn Jr your bf is dead' and there was a picture of Clyde's dead body.

"Yo dudes look" Luna said and should them. Their eyes widen in shock who could have killed Clyde. They snapped out of there shock and hugged Lynn.

"Who could have killed you babe whoever it was I will kill them" Lynn thought and cried. Little did the Louds know this was only the being of what is to come.

Hi everyone sorry it took so long mental heath problems am I right anyways hoped you liked the chapter bye.

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