So were witches?

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"Our ancestors Adelaide and Phillip had a daughter named Amelia who could see the future and she saw that four brother witches who would be the greatest powers the world has ever known"
Jacob sighs "this is all crazy" "that's not the worst part Jacob if we have powers that means so does Jason and James" Justin says
   In a car across town Jason and James are sitting in a car heading towards Jason house "it's just for tonight and then you can go back to your dorm"
James sighs and leans against the door "it's fine you said there is history on the house I'm in love with history"
   Jason chuckles "yea this house has survived a lot it was originally built in 1695 some believe the women who came and got it was escaping the witch trials and it has survived earthquakes wildfire and floods and it is still standing"
   James looks at Jason "mabye you are secretly a witch" James says Jason stops at a red light and looks at him "who knows maybe you are one" Jason replies James frowns "I don't think so if I was I would use my powers to find my parents and ask them why they left me at a fire station"
"Mabye one day you will find out" Jason says James doesn't reply instead he looks out the window. When Jason pulls into the garage he sees Jacob car "it looks like my younger brother is home and I don't don't if my other brother is home"
James eyes widen "how many brothers do you have ?" Jason laughs "2 well 3 but I don't know he is my mom did the same thing to him that your parents did to you"
They both get out of the car and walks up the stairs and into the house "Justin you are crazy I refuse to believe this garbage" Jason eyes widen "Justin like to cause trouble" Jason says to James
" you can go in the living room and watch tv while I make you something to eat" Jason says "okay"replies James
Jason walks into the kitchen and sees Jacob and Justin giving death glares at each other. "Uh oh what happened?" "Justin performed a spell and caused all of our powers to unbound so now we need to find James before his powers start up!"
Jason looks at them and starts cracking up laughing "you think we are witches oh my god you sound like James" both Justin and Jacob stop and look at him
"You found James?" Justin says Jason goes and get bread and peanut butter and jelly and goes over to the kitchen island "uh yea my friend needed me to take over his case for the day"
"Where is he now?" The living room "but Jason we are witches and have magic have you not done anything or heard anything bizarre today?"
Jason rolls his eyes "this is ridiculous you guys need to grow up witches aren't real and where is my dame knife!!" Jason yells just as a knife shows up his hands. "Jason drops it and looks at them "uh who put that in my hand?"
Jacob and justin look at him and says "no one when you said knife it showed up" Jason open up the jars of penut butter and jelly "well that's not possible and stop you saying it is!"
Jason finishes marking the sandwhich and grabs water bottle and a puts some chips on the plate and goes into the living room
Jason sees James watching family guy "here you go sorry about that yelling my brothers were being stupid" "hey! I'm not stupid that is Justin he doesn't know what 5x5 is" james laughs
"It's fine it's more lively here it's like a warm family I would give anything for that" then james picks up the plate and starts eating Jason leaves to go back into the kitchen.
"Okay I'm calm now explain why you think we are witches" Justin and James explain "try calling something Jason!" Justin says Jason rolls his eyes
"Chainsaw" Jason says sarcastically and then a chain saw appears in Jason hands. Jason then starts freaking out "oh shit well take the powers back"
Justin looks at him in disbelief "if I could I would I can't eat or do anything everything moves away from me!" "Uh guys" Jacob intruputs "what are we going to do about James"
They all look at each other they then all go into the living room to see James texting on his phone. "Hey James I want you to meet my brothers "Jacob" and Jacob waves "and Justin" Justin just nods
"Oh nice to meet you guys" james then shakes Justin and then jacobs hands and then the whole house shakes "is this normal?" James asks while holding onto the couch for balance "no" they all reply and then it's over
"Maybe it was an earthquake?" Justin says they all look at him like he is crazy just as james is about to talk
Three demon looking creatures appear "so it looks like the charmeurs are all together and have powers after all" then he lights a fire ball on his hand
Then all of sudden James disappears in purple and white lights and the reappears in the same spot the demons laugh "guys this reminds me of a story mom use to say when we were kids saying the 'ελευθερώστε μας από αυτές τις κοιλότητες, ας είμαστε ελεύθεροι από αυτές τις αγχόνες.'(set us free from these hollows let us be free from these gallows we sware to be free from these hollows from now and until all eternity)" Jason says
"Mabye it's a spell" Justin says "let's do it together Jacob says James looks at them like they are crazy and then shrugs and says it with them.
"ελευθερώστε μας από αυτές τις κοιλότητες, ας είμαστε ελεύθεροι από αυτές τις αγχόνες."
"ελευθερώστε μας από αυτές τις κοιλότητες, ας είμαστε ελεύθεροι από αυτές τις αγχόνες." After the second time the demons start to catch on fire and disappear.
"I think I just helped you defeat some really creepy guys" James says. Jacob touches his shoulders and suddenly he sees his brother best friend tied up in a cave "Jason please come save me help me she's going to kill me arazanthe going to kill
Jacob gasps as he comes out of it "jake are you okay? " Justin asks jacob shakes his head no " I think I just saw Adam" then he leaves the room and runs up all the stairs to the attic and grabs the book and comes down with the spell book "he said a name and if I can find it I think we can save him"
   James looks at them "okay I think I'll go stay the night at my friends this is getting to crazy"  they all freeze and look at him "James you can't go you are with us whether you like it or not and plus your our brother"
    James looks at them "what are you guys crazy or just plain physico" Justin then goes to the corner of the room where there is an envelope sitting "this is from our mom this is the proof"
James takes the envelope and opens it and read the letter and then after he finishes it he looks up "I believe you but how can I help you?"
   "We look at this book and see how to defeat the demon or whatever has Adam because she already tried to kill you"  "found it" Jacob says "arazanthe a warlock who makes replica of her victiams she keeps them and then when she kills she gets their powers."
      James cringes "is that why she wanted me?"  "She also takes whitelighters orbs for her own so she can kill witches whitelighters to get to them."
   "What is a whitelighter?" James ask " no  idea" Justin says "but the good news there a spell to kill her and we say that and she is dead" 
  "James do you think you can do that disappearing thing" Jason asks  James looks confused " what are you talking about?" Sighs all of a sudden they hear a vivid and crying
"You think you can defeat me never now come with me and I'll let your friend here live" and she then throws Adam to the floor the brother all discreetly look at the book. " sure but first" Jason says "Ρίξτε το ξόρκι του κακού και της κόλασης
Φέρτε το θάνατο για να ξέρει" the brothers began to say and her hands start to burn and she screams
  "Μέχρι να φωνάξει τα δάκρυά της θα τρέξουν θα είναι το βραβείο έως ότου αυτό το ξόρκι θα την κάνει να πεθάνει" she then explodes and disappears
    The brothers all sigh in relief and then James disappears in purple and white. " oh no he did it again" Jacob says they then hear a thud upstairs
    Jason goes and unties Adam while the rest go upstairs "thanks dude I'm sorry I don't tell you I was a witch"
   Jason laughs "it's okay" the rest of the brothers come downstairs "it was just James" Adam laughs "dude you need more reading I get your only half whitelighter but seriously that was awful just to hear" Adam says
    "What?" They all say together Adam pinches the bridge of his nose  "a whitelighter she or he will guide you and be there for you,you might not even know they are one"
    Soon after that Adam leaves and there is a knock at the door  Jacob answers  a beautiful red head stands at the door she wearing a pair of lavender overalls and a black shirt underneath and grey converse "hey I'm roselyn but everyone calls me "rose im a hose designer so im stopping by every house to see if anyone wants to redo their house"
   "Yea we could totally need a upgrade"jake says
   Rose smiles "oh good  here is my card let's plan to fix this house up" she then walks away and goes to the neighbors
  The brothers appear "who was that" James ask "a house designer she wants to work here"  Jacob replies they smirk "you totally should get some of that" they all laugh and go into the living room.
   Outside rose looks at the house and smiles and disappears in purple and white.

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