Lies and you knew?

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Justin grabs a bag that was sitting on the front porch and the proceeds into the house. Jason walks into the sunroom and turns the light switch on and goes to grab his computer " Jason are you mad at me?" "No not at all you just embarrassed me in front of Kelly and to top it off you came back after nearly six months and says you have some important info which you still have not shared by the way"
   "I was waiting for Jacob to come back and tell you together" Justin replies Jason sighs "look Justin I know I'm hard on you but I've been helping take care of you since you were a kid I just want you to succeed"
   "I know jay" "okay how about you tell me now and then we can fill in Jacob" Justin sighs before opening his bag he takes out a large manilla envelope
   "I found mom she hugged me then gave me this and left again she said everything would be explained in this so I got back to my apartment and opened it and now I'm pissed grandma and grandpa lied for years to us mabye even you"
     "What would I lie about?" Jason said with raised eyebrows he then yanks the envelope out of Justin hands and opens it and takes out all the items "just skip to the letter addressed to you then grab the biggest paper"
   "Okay fine do you want me to read it out loud too?" "If you could I had the decency to not read it plus mom wrote us each a letter" jason opens the letter but before he reads it he says "just so you know you shouldn't care what she says she left us  you hadn't even turned 3 when she left"
Dear Jason,
                      If you are receiving this letter it means you found me or I'm dead that may not be a good thing because according your grandparents you have a lot of hate towards me. Yes you are reading this right I've been keeping up on you over the years I didn't want to leave you but I had no choice once I finish this I just hope you will do as I say when you were about 10 I got pregnant you might remember you might not I had a affair on your father you have a baby brother I kept for the first few weeks. But. Few weeks later I thought it was best if I gave him up so I and the man I had a affair with brought him to a safe haven with a simple letter saying his name is James.
All I know is he was put into the system I don't even know if he was adopted or just bounced around I don't even know if he is alive. Jason if you are mad with that is fine but I beg you if you can find him do it but if your reading this and he is not 18 yet wait until he is please find him you all should love and care for each other it's apart of your destiny.
         Jason puts down the letter he rubs his face "shit" he mutters "Jason what should we do?" "I'm about to get fired that's what we're going to do come on let's go it's still early my office is still opened"
   "You aren't suggesting we go to your job and look into the records" Jason grabs his keys and shoes "I'm a social worker I can just say that I thought he was one of my kids"
   They then grab the folder with all the information about James and head out of the house and get into Jason blue 2020 Jeep Cherokee.
  When they get to the office Jason gets out his badge and office key "oh hey Jason I thought you left for the day. "No I just had to pick my brother up from the bus station and drop off his belongings I would of left him at home but we are going out to dinner right after I finish up some info on a case"
    "Oh okay well if I don't see you before I leave have a good night" Riley says before he leaves to go into his office. Jason and Justin head down the hall and Jason unlocks his door and heads into his office.
    "Justin you know more than me do you have a date of birth and a date he would of been left at the fire station."  Justin opens the envelope and stops at a letter "I feel like it might be in Jacob letter" "open it and skim don't read" 
   Justin opens it and skims "got it he was born April 2,2002 and he was left  at station 129 on 5th street on Wednesday April 10 at 5;45 pm"
    Jason sighs "that's should be enough information" he quickly goes to records and types in the name and the information
     They wait a few minutes and Justin looks around at some photos and items Jason has in the room "he stops at a picture that was taken at jason graduation Justin has Jason cap on his head while he is on his back. And Jacob is standing there smiling looking at them and there grandparents are are laughing at there antics.
   "You were crying that whole week that was the one day you were happy" Justin jumps and turns around and he sees Jason smiling at him "what are you talking about?"
   "You were sad I was going away to college but that day you were happy" just as Justin was about to reply a beep from the computer grabs there attention
   Jason frowns "what is it?" Justin ask worried
   "He lives here in San Francisco he was never adopted he goes to college right now he chose not to check out of the system and let them take a care of his school"
     "What's his name?" Justin ask Jason smiles "James Edward leek" Jason then clicks on something and the printer goes off. Jason grabs the paper
And then turns his computer off "let's go grab food and wait for Jacob to come home." They go pick up some Chinese food and head into the house.
  They finish eating then watch some tv and then they hear the door open. "Sorry I'm late jay don't worry I ate and everything" he then walks into the living room and stops short
  "Justin are you moving back home why didn't you tell me?" He smirks and gets up to hug Jacob "so guys I need to go get something upstairs Jason can you fill in Jacob" Justin says
"Sure go do what you need to" Justin walks out of the room to the stairs to go into his old childhood room as he does this Jason explain everything that has happened
Jacob is quiet before he sighs and says "I know grandpa told me when he was sick i thought he was just saying thing"
As Justin is heading out of his room he hears something coming from the attic so he puts the box down and grabs his phone and head up the stairs
As he gets to the door he tries to open the door but it's locked he furrows his eyebrows before turning around to head down the stairs but before he can get to far the door opens.
He goes in "hello is anyone here?" He turns on his flashlight and sees no one he sees a trunk that looks like it's from the 1800 and he goes over to it and opens it and sees a big giant blue leather book bound with a strap
"What is this creepy looking trunk?" He grabs the book and opens it. Downstairs Jacob and just are worried "he said he would be right down do you think he is okay?" Jacob ask
Jason sighs "he probably is just looking for something if he is not down in a minute then you can go up after him" In the attic Justin is looking through the book he stops at a page and starts reading out loud out of the book. Just as he does that Jason and Jacob start to head up the stairs looking for Justin who they now realize is not in his room.
"Hear now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night...
The oldest of spells are invoked here,
The great gift of magic is sought.
In this night and in this hour,
We call upon the ancient power.
Bring your power to us brothers four
We want the power! Give us the Power!"
As he finishes the hose shakes a bit and the electric goes out.
"What was that ?"Jacob ask Jason "I don't
1483 words
Date published 7-7-2021

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