Waking Up in an Unknown Bedroom

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She knew she had to wake up and leave but she didn't want to. His bed was the most comfortable she had ever felt and the sheets smelled like him: a sexy and mysterious combination of bergamot and patchouli with just a hint of lavender. She finally convinced herself to pry her eyes open, the morning light from the skylight windows above his bed shining over her face. She took a deep breath and looked over, noticing the empty spot next to her where he had been. A small part of her was disappointed; he must be a wonderful sight to wake up to. She stretched out her tired arms and yawned, memories of the night before flooding her mind and making her feel warm inside. Before she could let herself get too carried away in her thoughts, a new yet familiar voice filled her ears.

"Good morning, sweet cheeks!"

Camila looked over and could've sworn she was dreaming again based on the sight of him. His brunette curls were water-logged and messily stuck to his forehead. A toothbrush hung out of the side of his mouth and he wore nothing but a small white towel around his waist, small droplets of water still making their way down his toned and tanned abdomen.

"Good morning," she quietly giggled in reply. She watched him as he turned around and grabbed a pair of underwear and gray sweatpants from his dresser drawers. His back was beautifully muscular with subtle remnants of the night before still present in the form of pinkish-red scratch marks from her nails. "Sorry about your back," she said shyly. He turned around to face her, his cocky smirk interrupted only by the toothbrush still in his mouth.

"Don't worry about it." He pulled the toothbrush out of his mouth. "They're my favorite kind of trophy." He gave her an arrogant yet flirty wink before walking back into the bathroom. Camila rolled her eyes and shook her head. She just knew her cheeks must've been bright red. He came back out just a moment later, no longer brushing his teeth but also still not dressed.

"Did you forget how to put pants on?" Camila joked from the bed. He chuckled and looked down, shaking his head as she sauntered towards her. His eyes were almost as dark as they had been the night before. Camila immediately sucked in a sharp breath at the memory. He climbed onto the mattress and hovered over her. His arms rested on either side of her head, holding himself up.

"Do you know what my favorite way to start the day is, peach?" His voice was husky in her ear. She couldn't help but blush again at the use of the cute pet name he had given her shortly after they had met the night before. Sure, it had only been because of his more-than-obvious fondness for her butt — but she appreciated the nickname regardless.

"No, I don't think you mentioned it..." she cooed, curious to hear what his answer was. He smirked against her neck, his breath hot as he moved one hand down to pull the sheets off of her still naked body. He planted wet kisses onto her breasts before trailing his lips back up her neck and along her jaw. Camila tried to keep her blissful sighs to a minimum as she waited for him to finally answer his own question.

"My favorite way to start the day is with my tongue all over a sweet little pussy like yours." Camila's breath faltered a bit at his words.

"As much as I'd love that, I'm starting a new job today. I'd really hate to be late..." Deep down she knew she was going to give into his advances but she also couldn't deny that it was fun to tease him a little bit. He was probably used to women agreeing to whatever he asked without any hesitation.

"Who said you were going to be late? If I'm recalling last night correctly, I'm actually able to make you cum very quickly."

"Hm," she giggled against his neck. "But what about what you said last night? Something about the fact that you never sleep with the same girl twice?"

"Then I guess you should consider yourself lucky." He stared into her eyes, waiting for a response — whether it be permission or rejection. She didn't say anything, though. The silence between them was hot and heavy.



"So why are you taking so long? I told you. I don't want to be late," she said plainly. Shawn smiled with excitement like he was a teenage boy who just got permission to touch a girl for the first time. He was far from her high school experiences, though. This wasn't a teenage boy, this was a man.

He ripped the sheets off of her body and threw them onto the floor with reckless abandon before burying his head between her legs, latching on to her heat until she was screaming with pleasure and her back was arched up off of the mattress. His towel had come off at some point and he was just as big and beautiful as she had remembered him being from the night before. He rolled a condom on and pushed inside of her, thrusting hard and fast until they were both riding out their release together. She may or may not have added a few more scratch marks to his back while she was at it, for good measure.

"I really do need to leave," Camila hummed as she sat up and crawled out of bed. Shawn chuckled as he watched her stumble on her feet for a second, her legs wobbly like a newborn baby deer.

"Hopefully your new job isn't one that requires a lot of balance." A cocky smirk was plastered on his face.

"Funnily enough, it actually does..." she sighed. "Don't worry about it though. I'm sure I will have recovered just fine by then."

"Don't count on it. I'm pretty hard to forget. At least that's what I hear...something about no man ever being able to live up to the expectations I set in bed..." He said it so casually. Camila rolled her eyes and looked over at him as she pulled her shirt on over her head. He was sprawled out on the bed naked, not a single inch of his perfect body covered. He was clearly an extremely confident guy. Then again, he had every reason to be.

Camila finished pulling on her clothes from the night before and used her fingers to comb through her messy curls before turning to face Shawn. He beckoned her over with his finger. She walked over to the bedside, looking down at him. He reached his long, muscular arm up and cupped her jaw with his hand. He brushed his thumb over her plump lips before pulling her down for a kiss.

"Thanks for last night," he said quietly against her lips. "I had fun with you."

"I know you did," she responded with a soft smile. "I had fun too." She kissed him one more time before standing up and walking towards the front door of his apartment.

"Hey!" he called out to her as she unlocked his front door. "Good luck at your new job today, peach!" Camila snorted out a laugh.

"Thanks!" She opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, quietly shutting the door behind her. She didn't know why she was trying to sneak out. Surely his neighbors were used to random girls leaving his apartment in the morning. The walk-of-shame back to her apartment was a bittersweet one. As much fun as she had with him, they hadn't exchanged phone numbers. She had no way of initiating anything with him again. Even if she tried he'd probably reject her. He seemed serious about that whole 'never sleep with the same girl twice' rule. The only reason she got a second round in the morning was because she was already there laying naked in his bed. She finally got back to her humble apartment and unlocked the door, opening it slowly to ensure her old cat wouldn't sneak out. She stepped inside and saw the large white cat laying on the couch. She knew cats could be judgmental but she had yet to feel reprimanded by one until now. "Good morning, Tinkerbell..." The cat meowed a response before getting a pat on the head from Camila. She kissed the top of the old cat's head before making a beeline for the shower. It had been a while since she had started a new job but she had a feeling it was a bad idea to show up on your first day reeking of sex.

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