Attachment: 1 Video

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Things were going well. He still hadn't told her how he felt about her but he was pretty certain she already knew. He hadn't slept with anyone else since that day in the car with her. He definitely had chances to — there were many willing participants. But he only wanted her. He had come to terms with the fact that his need for only her wouldn't be going away any time soon.

He drove her to work every day. He made her a Shirley Temple to go before driving her back home every day. He'd always say goodbye by giving her a kiss on the cheek and he'd always send her the same text once she got inside.

S: Have a good rest of the night. Don't forget to lock your door.

She had considered inviting him in many nights but always opted not to. They hadn't talked about where exactly they stood and the last thing she wanted was to assume they were something they weren't and scare him away again.

Their banter at work was playful and flirty. They'd wink at each other from across the restaurant and he'd occasionally let his hands sneakily wander from her hips to her butt while she was behind the bar with him.

Camila took a Monday off and Shawn was miserable. Monday was always their slowest day. Slow days were tolerable when she was there to distract him but with her gone he was just bored and lonely. Camila didn't really have a reason to take the day off other than just having some time to herself. She stayed in her small apartment for almost the entire day, tidying up what little mess there was and playing with Tinkerbell despite the cat's obvious annoyance. There was nobody at the bar for Shawn to serve so he decided to send her a quick text.

S: Enjoying your day off, peach? It's boring here without you. Whatcha up to?

Camila's phone buzzed against the coffee table as she flashed the little red laser around on the carpet, giggling at the way the white cat quickly moved to try and catch it. She grabbed her phone and opened the text from Shawn. She couldn't help but smile. It was cute that he was checking up on her. She opened up her camera and took a quick video of Tinkerbell chasing the laser on the floor. She was just about to send it to him when a devilish grin tugged at her lips. It was a cruel joke, but she couldn't resist. She typed out the words and hit send and suddenly she wished she had gone into work, just so she could see his reaction.

Shawn's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the message preview on the screen.

Peach 🍑
Just playing with my pussy ;)
Attachment: 1 video

His eyes widened. He held his phone down below the bar so no one could walk by and see as he opened the text. He snorted out a laugh and shook his head when he saw what the video was. Her cat. Of course she was talking about her cat. He watched the video. It was cute, but admittedly his favorite part was Camila's little giggles he could hear in the background.

S: Ok FIRST OF ALL you're a meanie. But also, your laugh is extremely cute. So I'll let it slide.

C: Did I lie? No. You having a dirty mind isn't my fault...also I totally didn't realize you could hear me laughing in that video til you said that. Ew.

S: Don't say ew. Nothing about you is ew.

She didn't respond after that but it was probably a good thing because a group of three had just sat down at the bar and the last thing Shawn needed was a distraction from his work. At least right now.

Shawn was exhausted by the time the end of his shift rolled around. Out of habit he found himself making a Shirley Temple to-go, just like Camila liked it. He felt like an idiot once he realized she wasn't even there to enjoy it but he had already made it so he decided to just go give it to her anyway. He didn't want to bother her so he simply set it outside the door to her apartment and knocked twice before walking back to his car. She clearly wasn't about to let him get away that easily, though. He was just about to his car when he heard her calling out behind him.

"Hey! Shawn!"

He turned around, swallowing hard as he took in her appearance — she wore silk pajamas: a pair of tiny, baby blue silk shorts and a matching silk camisole...obviously braless. Her hair was perfectly unkempt.

"What are you doing out here? You're gonna freeze in that," he chuckled. She shook her head and walked up to him, the cup he had dropped off held in her hand.

"And what are you doing leaving so soon?" she countered. "You think you can get away with dropping of a drink and then sneaking away like it wasn't you?"

"I just didn't want to impose," he shrugged. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh please." They were both quiet for a moment, silently holding each other's gaze before Camila finally spoke up again. "Oh, um...I bought a new car today! Well, it's not new. It's used...but new for me! You don't have to be my chauffeur anymore."

"Bummer. I kinda liked driving you around...we always had a lot of fun in my car." He looked down at her and winked, enjoying the way she immediately blushed. They had definitely had some fun in his car. "So, um...I'll see you tomorrow then? Or are you gonna bail out again like you did today?" Camila giggled.

"I'll be there."

"Good. I will be too." He was staring down at her. She was staring up at him. Neither of them could look away even if they wanted to. Camila finally decided to throw caution to the wind and stood up on her tiptoes, her hand going around the back of his neck as she pressed her lips against his. His hands reached out to hold her waist as he kissed back with no reluctance. It was slow and sweet and absolutely perfect. Camila pulled away first, breathing in a shaky breath as she put her feet back down flat against the pavement and removed her hand from the back of his neck.

"Sorry, I just—" He cut off whatever apology she was about to give him with another kiss — one hand still on her waist as the other cupped her cheek, his thumb gently brushing across her cheekbone.

"Goodnight," he whispered as he pulled away. "I'll see you tomorrow." She nodded, both her cheeks and her lips now a bright shade of pink. He watched her with adoration as she turned away and scurried back into her apartment building. As soon as she was out of his sight he ran his hands over his face and sighed in frustration.

He knew what he needed to do and he was dreading it.

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