Beer, Booty Shorts, and a Side of Ranch

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Camila examined herself in the mirror and sighed. Her long, brunette hair was secured into two French braids and her makeup was natural yet cute. The outfit, however...the outfit was definitely not something she was used to wearing to work. The black spandex booty shorts they had given her were tiny. The bottom half of her butt cheeks hung out the bottom of them, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. The tank top she wore was skin tight with the restaurant's logo plastered across her chest, which was quite accentuated by the push-up bra she wore underneath. She looked good — she couldn't deny that. She slipped on her white tennis shoes and tied them tight before giving herself a once over in the mirror. She took a deep breath before looking over at Tinkerbell, who was now laying on Camila's bed — still giving her that same judgmental look.

"Are you not even gonna wish me luck?" The cat didn't give her any response outside of turning it's head away from her to rest on her pillow. Camila sighed and walked over, kissing the cat on the top of the head before grabbing her phone and car keys and heading to her new workplace.

She parked her car in the parking lot of the sports bar and unbuckled her seatbelt before sitting in her car and taking a few deep breaths. She was a few minutes early but she was okay with that — she figured it'd be better to be early on her first day than late. She pulled down the mirror in her car and grabbed the nude lipstick from the console, giving herself a quick touch-up. She shoved the lipstick back into the console and flipped up the mirror, glancing at the time and watching it switch to 10 o'clock. "Now or never," she sighed to herself before getting out of her car and heading inside the nearly empty sports bar. She walked in slowly, noticing that she seemed to be the only person in there. "Um, hello?" she called out. Her beckoning worked because a familiar face almost immediately popped out from a previously closed door.

"Camila!" she said excitedly. "All ready for your first day?"

"I sure am!" Macy was the manager of the restaurant and the same woman who had interviewed Camila just a week prior. She was in her mid-30s and likely the oldest one working there. Macy had made it very clear in the interview that the waitresses being scantily-clad in tiny, skin tight clothing was part of the appeal for the patrons of the restaurant. Camila was fine with that but she was already starting to feel her thighs chafing and now she wondered if she should've thought this through more.

"I'm glad you showed up. I've been desperate for more waitresses but they keep bailing on me." Well. No turning back now. She'd feel too bad to quit now. "Basically we're just gonna start with a rundown of the basics and showing you where everything is. Then, I'll introduce you to Dolly, who you'll be training with for the next few days. She's...a lot. But she's also a damn good waitress. You'll be in good hands with her." Macy gave Camila a full tour of the restaurant and the kitchen, including the refrigerator that was dedicated fully to giant gallon-sized containers of their house-made ranch dressing.

"We have an entire fridge just for ranch?" Camila giggled.

"Oh, honey...yes. You have no idea how many times you'll be asked for a side of ranch in a single shift. They go crazy for this stuff. Most of the customers that come in are only here for beer, the booty shorts, and a side of ranch."

"This is kind of a weird question...but how often do you have to deal with creepy guys being inappropriate with the waitresses?"

"Don't worry, it's not often. However, if you do end up with a rowdy table just tell the bartender. He's tall and strong — very intimidating. He himself likes to make dirty jokes here and there but he's also very protective. If you tell him a certain table is giving you a hard time he'll go over and talk to them."

"Okay," Camila nodded. That made her feel better. She knew they only hired female waitresses so it was slightly comforting to know they hired a male bartender who was willing to fight for the girls if needed.

"He usually doesn't get here until a few minutes before opening at 11. I think you'll like him, all the girls do." Macy gave her a wink before continuing their tour and basic training.

Macy introduced Camila to the other girls as they arrived, including Dolly. Her manager was right about her being a lot. She was full of energy and very loud. She was tall and very thin, with the exception of her giant boobs that were definitely paid for — not that Camila was judging her. Her hair was bleached to a level of blonde that was surely as light as she could get it, a stark contrast to her over-tanned skin.

"We're gonna have so much fun together!" Dolly said excitedly, batting her fake eyelashes. "I'll take it from here, Macy."

"You girls have fun," Macy chuckled before heading back into her small, messy office.

"So I'm guessing Macy showed you the basics?"

"She did!"

"Perfect. And have you waitressed before?"

"Yes," Camila nodded. "I used to work at an Olive Garden."

"Well this is definitely different than Olive Garden." Dolly giggled and motioned to their outfits. "You look great in that, by the way. Those shorts were designed for your body."

"Thanks." As Camila was accepting her compliment she noticed Dolly's eyes focus on something behind her.

"Come with me. I want to introduce you to someone." She wiggled her eyebrows at the shorter brunette girl before pulling her by the arm towards the bar. "This is our sexy ass bartender." He was stood behind the bar, facing away from them as he organized bottles. She couldn't see his face yet but based on only his backside, Dolly's description didn't seem far off.

"Oh Dolly, you flatter me," he chuckled before turning around. Camila's eyes immediately widened. Shawn. It was Shawn. Of course it was Shawn. He immediately smirked when his eyes landed on her, looking her up and down and drinking in the sight of her body. "Well if it isn't my little peach." He leaned over the bar, resting his forearms on the counter. She didn't miss the way he licked his lips as his eyes wandered over her.

"You two know each other?"

"Oh, we know each other very well." The smirk on his face clearly wasn't going away any time soon.

"Wait, what?" Dolly gasped. She looked at Camila in shock before turning her attention back towards the bartender. "You told me you didn't hook up with girls you work with." Dolly pouted. Camila felt weirdly annoyed that Dolly had clearly been trying to get in his pants and was honestly kind of surprised that Shawn had been rejecting her.

"I don't," he affirmed. "I didn't know she was starting here today."

"Well since you made an exception for her maybe you can make one for me too." Dolly batted her eyelashes at him, her hands clasped in front of her so her boobs squeezed together.

"Dolly, I'm not having sex with you," he said firmly. Dolly sighed in disappointment. "I'm more of an ass man anyway, aren't I peach?" He winked at Camila, ensuring that he cheeks turned bright red. If he was already having this much of an effect on her before they had even officially opened, she was horrified to know how flustered she'd be by the end of her shift.

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