Chapter 10

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Hello lovelies . ❤❤❤❤💋😘

Listen, I made a new fanfic called the Guitarist. It's a One Direction Fanfic. Please check it out. The chapters on that one are long ! I'm going to start to make these chapters longer (: soooo










**Darcy's POV**

I wake up to harry carrying me into the house. Wow. He's so sweet when he wants to be. I fake sleep because I didn't want to get up. I guess he noticed I was faking because he said,

"Aww Darcy, you don't have to fake sleep. I won't make you get up"

I peck him on the lips and just lay my head in his chest on the way up the stairs.

He lays me on the bed when I realize I have to change into pajamas.

"Help me change into my PJ's?" I ask in my morning voice.

"How could I turn that down?" He says seductively.

"Pajamas are in the very bottom drawer." I mumble.

He picks out a pair of short-shorts and a oversized T-shirt.

He slowly pulls my shirt off, leaving me bare chested. I just lay on the bed too lazy to help. He puts the shirt on me and takes my shorts off and replaces them with the other shorts.

He picks me back up and places me under the covers. He slides in next to me and I bury my head in his bare chest. He snakes his arm around my


"I love you Harry," I whisper.

"And I love you, Darcy" he whispers in my ear with his hot breath, sending tingles down my spine.

**Next Day**

I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Harry is still sleeping so I didn't wanna wake him. I slip out of bed and run downstairs and walk in the kitchen to see Joey making breakfast.

"Hey Joey!"

"Hey Darcy, soo... You and harry, y'all good now?"

"Yeah, I think so..How are you and Nialler?" I ask.

"We're good! He's taking me on a date tonight! I can't wait!" She squealed.

"Aww, y'all are so cute!"

"Haha, thanks" she smiles.

I'm jealous. I wish harry would take me on a date... I wish he was my boyfriend. I'm just so happy that Niall is happy. He was broken after Rachel cheated on him. I think that Joey is little by little putting his pieces back together. Which is the best thing a sister could ask for.

I grab a plate and make my way over to the kitchen table and sit down. I hear giggling and turn around to see harry and Louis flirting!

"You guys are gross." I say while laughing.

"Aww," harry pouts.


"Ohh! Let's go to Hollister!" I say while dragging Joey with me.

Today me and Joey are shopping for something cute for her date. She's so happy. She really likes my brother. It's so cute.


Loving The One I Hate (One Direction Fanfiction... •Harry•)Where stories live. Discover now