scent | post-aogiri

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Genre: Fluff
Status: Not Edited

Out of all insecurities, what is one thing that people mostly worry about? Although everyone doesn't feel the same way, most people feel uneasy on how they smell. For example, after gym class, you don't want to smell like sweat. Instead of sweat, wouldn't you rather smell like you just got out of the shower?

It wasn't like you were frequently spraying perfume or cologne all over your body. Actually, you didn't really pay attention to what you smelled like. No, you didn't smell like a dumpster nor did you smell like a luxury soap. You just smelled decent.

However, you didn't want to displease your significant other. Of course, Kaneki didn't expect you to always smell fresh just to please him. Yet, that was just how you thought. What if you smelled like rotting fish, and he would feel so disgusted? You definitely didn't want that to happen.

Inside the apartment you two shared, you decided to take a shower. This time, you tried the mint scented shampoo/conditioner, and orange scented body soap that you bought a few days ago. When you used all of the products, you couldn't help but smell the wonderful aroma that filled the bathroom. After you dried yourself, coated your body with lotion and put on your pajamas, you were finally able to walk out of the bathroom.

Scented steam instantly came out, and you were actually satisfied with this. After all, the steam showed how relaxing your shower was and how good you smelled. You gave yourself a pat on the back for buying those miracle products. Now, all you needed was Kaneki's reaction.

With yourself all excited about seeing his reaction, your excitement soon turned into disappointment when you saw him out cold on the couch. Bending down to get a closer look at his face, you examined his facial features. A quiet chuckle escaped your lips when you realized how adorable he looked when he didn't seem uptight. Unlike days where he would train even when his body was exhausted, he looked like he was in peace.

"[Name]?" You heard him mumble before one of his eyelids slowly opened.

"Sorry, Kaneki. I didn't mean to wake you up with my stare..." You mentally cursed yourself for making you look like a creep that enjoyed watching people sleep.

"No, it's alright." He let out a short chuckle until it turned into a long yawn.

Instead of getting up, he continued to lie down with his gray eyes piercing through your soul. Because he still seemed tired, he turned his body so his face could be buried in the soft pillow. It remained silent for a few seconds until he muffled his answer. "You smell really nice."

"How so?" Again, he stayed silent, but he also didn't answer. This time, he gently pulled on your arm and this caused you to yelp when you found your body laid right next to his. Heat traveled from your back to your neck, and finally to your face. Though your blush was evident, he didn't seem to notice it since his eyelids closed.

His arms wrapped around your torso as his chin rested on top of your head. Smelling the alluring scent that covered your hair, he gently kissed your head before he muttered, "I don't want to let you go. Your scent makes me so relaxed."

You were completely dumbfounded at how possessive Kaneki currently was. If anything, he would be affectionate toward you, but not this much. You weren't complaining, but you were savoring this wonderful moment.

"Looks like it worked..." Once again, you gave yourself a pat on the back for accomplishing your goal.

"What worked?"

"Oh, nothing!"

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