Chapter 4

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"I hate you so much!" I hear a girl yell at the end of the hall.

Hermione, Luna and I turn our head towards her and find her screaming at Draco while his friends are standing behind him like body guards and laugh with the girl.

I walk towards them as quickly as possible and everything becomes more clear as I hear her yell even more.

"If you think you can just use me-"

"What was your name again?" Malfoy questions.

"A- Ava." The girl stutters with a sob.

"Listen, Ava, what happened between us in your bed last night meant nothing to me, absolutely nothing. You really thought you meant something? You're nothing Ava, atleast not in my eyes." Malfoy spits as Crabbe and Goyle back him up and laugh out loud.

"Y- you-" She stutters.

"Lost your tongue missy?" He laughs.

"Go fuck yourself!" She spits before walking away with her sobbing echoing in the halls.

I clap in my hands slowly, sarcastically as I slowly go stand in front of Malfoy. "Wow Malfoy, you should be so proud of yourself right now."

"What- what do you mean?" He says as his facial expression changes once he sees me.

"She is fourteen!" I spit.

"So?" He simply replies.

"Of course, I expected that to be your answer considering you're the biggest man whore at Hogwarts. What is it Malfoy? Was daddy never proud of you when you accomplished something?" I chuckle as I look him up and down while his confident facial expression fades away. "Whatever it might be Malfoy, don't you think it's time to grow up and get over it? And start acting like a normal human being and not a fucking thirteen year old who just hit puberty?" I spit.

Hermione and Luna let out a chuckle as I turn around dramatically and disappear out of the hall, leaving Draco and his oh so cool and confident friends speechless.


And there she was, disappearing out of the halls after she left me, Crabbe and Goyle speechless with her words. She always finds a way to make me feel embarrassed.

"Was a tough one wasn't it?" Mattheo says as he pats me on my shoulder twice.

"Pottergirl is mad dangerous." Theodore adds.


"Yes we heard every single thing." Blaise chuckles as he plays with a toothpick in his mouth.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Lorenzo says daydreaming about Eleanore.

"Don't drool mate." Mattheo spits. "Anyway, was stupid of you to argue with a girl in the halls knowing Eleanore is walking around, you know she'll defend any girl that needs it. Especially when it's against you, it's just the way she is." He chuckles.

"It's not like I could've avoided the situation, she literally came up to me crying and yelling while Crabbe, Goyle and I were chatting, didn't she?" I ask looking at Crabbe and Goyle.

"Y-yeah." They both stutter.

"Anyway, I got some funny shit to tell you, so basically I'm Slytherin's sixth year prefect and so is Eleanore. But she doesn't play quidditch, which isn't normal for a prefect. So guess who got asked to teach her how to play it?" I say before letting out a chuckle.

"No way-"

"You- you will be sitting behind her on a broom?" Lorenzo stutters as his face drops.

"It won't take long until she knows how to play it again, she's a Potter, it's in her blood. One lesson and it's over for you, Malfoy. Remember how good she was before she fractured her arm? There's no way you'll have to give her multiple lessons." Mattheo sighs while he plays with a toothpick.

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