Chapter 15

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"Now Minho is involved with us too" Y/n whined.

"Never thought Minho would be such a smart ass" Mingi commented.  "You're literally his cousin, how the fuck didn't you know that" Y/n said.
"Well I'm sorry for not being close enough with my damn cousins, missy"

It was Sunday morning. Jisung,Y/n and Mingi were out, at a McDonald eating breakfast and to discussing about the latest news.

"Okay okay will you two stop it. You're giving me a headache" Jisung interrupted the couple's fight. "And Is it okay for him to be here? What if someone sees us and they get suspicious!"

"Mister gorilla here said it was going to be fine, he told Seongwha  that he was going out with me." Y/n said on behalf of Mingi who currently had a chicken nugget in his mouth. "And even If someone sees us with you,he can tell them that he was meeting his brother-in-law"

"Don't you think you're going too fast with that" Jisung said shocked.
"You mean with brother-in-law?" Jisung shaked his head as a yes "It's better saying it that way, his friends are quite dumb. No offense!"
"Non taken." Mingi responded with his mouth full.

"There was something else, Minho told me"
Y/n and Mingi raised their heads,knowing full well something important was going to be told.
"He talked about a war starting." Jisung continued "I don't know about all the details,but he said Songil was going to start it by giving Jihoon a surprise attack. The date hasn't been settled yet,but when that happens, Minho is going to notify us"

Y/n's mouth dropped by hearing this sudden news, while Mingi on the other hand stayed silent.

"A-a WAR" Y/n yelled.
"SHHH" Jisung shushed her off "Be quit, Jesus christ"

"Sorry" Y/n whisper.
"Didn't you know about this?" she told Mingi.

Mingi turn to her with an annoyed look in his face.
"No,how the fuck would I know?"

"You really are a good-for-nothing person. Why did Jihoon even let you in." Y/n said without thinking.

But as Y/n noticed what she had said,the damage was already made.

"I'm leaving!" Mingi stood up and left the table they were sitting without even glancing at either one of 'em.

As he left, Y/n turned her head to face Jisung's shocked face.

"Why did you say that?" he asked angry.

"I- I didn't mean to. It just came out of my mouth without thinking." she said trying to honestly explain herself.

"Just fix it. Fast!" he demanded.


•Monday morning

"Yo!" Minho said while he was approaching Jisung.

"Good morning!" Jisung greeted him.

"That's weird!" Minho said making Jisung confused. "You never greet me, did you finally wake up in your favorite side of the bed."

"Fuck off!" Jisung responded.

"That's more like you" Minho gave him a cheeky smile.
"So what's wrong with Y/n and Mingi. I haven't seen them together today."

"Oh,they had a fight,not a big deal"

"Oh my god their first couple's fight. How cute!" Minho said exited.

Jisung didn't pay much attention to him afterwards.

"Jisung,can I ask you for another favor?" Minho broke the silence.

"Go ahead!"

"Can you tell Jihoon to save the kids who are being hold captive underground Songil's mansion?" Minho asked genuinely.

"You know about the kids too?" Jisung asked shocked.

"Yeah!?" he responded confused.


•Lunch time

"Why are you hanging out with us today? Did you and Y/n break up or something?" Jongho asked with a smirk on his face.

"Nah nothing happened. I just wanted to spend some time alone,with you guys." he gave them a fake smile.

But nobody was buying it.

"I don't care what happen between you two but you better fix it quick." Songwha said in a demanding tone, which shocked Mingi more than he thought it would.
"This is your only chance to get close to her."

Seongwha had never acted this way before, but now that the twins had corrupted him to the core, money and power was the only thing he could think of. Which made him ack much more different than he would act with his so called best friend, Mingi.

Songwha looked at Mingi,pitting him before leaving for class.


"Should I really talk to him? But I don't want to" I said over the phone.

I facetimed Fei to talk about my relationship's problems because I needed some advice. This is my first relationship although It's not real, I still need to get some advice from someone with experience. But I couldn't find someone with experience so I called Fei. Since she is always on her phone and because we haven't talked in awhile, this made her perfect for me to call.

"You have to talk to him if you need this relationship to work out" Fei said.

"But I don't want to be the first one to talk"

"It was your fault to begin with,so it's your responsibility to text him first" Fei yelled ate me.
"Do you love him?"

" gulp Yes"

"Then go right him now and ask him to go on a date on the 31st (of December). "

"It's fine Imma right him after you hang up" you gave her a smile.

" No write him now. I don't want to hear any excuse and just write him now. Send me a screenshot too, I don't trust you" Fei muttered the last sentence.

" Alright alright." you said as you went to Massages and clicked Mingi's name.

" Hey Mingi *send*" You were left on delivered, although on this time Mingi was always on his phone. He was still mad at you, this kept you thinking what did your words trigger into him.

" Do you wanna spend the New years Eve together, It's next week? send"

"Did you ask him and what did he say?" Fei asked you.

"He hasn't see- Wait he just say it!" You said as the "Seen" appeared below your messages.

Hey Mingi
Do you wanna spend New years Eve together?
It's next week.


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