𝐶𝒉𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 2

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After wandering the school's hallways for awhile, I finally found the sectary's office. I checked in first then she gave me my dorm's key. She told me that my roommate was a boy and gave me some basic information,such as his name,age and year. Then she ended the conversation by explaining where my dorm was exactly, but I zoned out half way through her explaining, so now I'm screwed.

I walked out of the office and started taking only the direction I remember from what she told me.
While I was walking I took my phone out to search my roommate's name on google. I just wanted to know what kind of person he would be, so I could prepare myself for the worst beforehand.
But nothing, I found nothing. There wasn't a thing on google about him. Guess I just had to wait and see for myself.

I closed my phone aggressively and signed. I raise my head to look up, but this time It was too late for my body to react. I bumped once again.
I didn't fell but my nose got screwed. Man it hurt like hell.

I had bumped with a tall guy with black hair and behind him was the ginger that was with that guy, Mingi a couple hours ago.

I just ignored him and bowed to the guy I had just bumped into and apologized to him. But then as I bring my upper body up again, I hear the ginger say to the other dude about me.

"She is the reason why Mingi was pissed before ." he told the other guy in Korean, giving him a nod in my direction.

I shrugged it off and was about to walk past them, but a hand grabbed my wrist. The grip was strong enough to let a bruise on my fragile wrist. I turn around in an instant, furious as hell from the sudden grab.

"The hell man. You're hurting me." I told the guy who had just grabbed my wrist really hard and wouldn't let go of it. "Let go of my wrist."

But the only response I get is a disrespectful laughter from him.
"Feisty I see" he said smirking. "Why're you in such a hurry? Don't you need someone to show you around. 'Cause I'm free if you want" he winks at me.

"No need, I can find my own way" I give him a fake smile and try to walk away but his grip on my wrist gets stronger making me wince in pain.

"You sure?" he insists, giving me that smirk again.

"Let go of my wrist!" I half way yelled at him. "I am already so fucking tired and you and this midget here-" I point at the ginger behind him
"-are fucking pissing me off. I thought native Koreans were decent people, but you two and that Mingi guy are just proving me wrong."

Both of the boys frowned. They got so pissed at me that they couldn't say a thing. I couldn't feel my wrist anymore because of how hard it was being squeezing.

The midget broke the silence by starting cussing at me in Korea, which that gave the other guy a push to do the same. I couldn't understand a word from them, I just knew they were calling me all kinds of words. I was so tired that my mind couldn't care less of this situation and the whole time I was dissociating without even knowing.

But after a couple of minutes of getting yelled at, I hear a "Yah" coming from behind me which made the boys stop what they were doing. The tall guy even removed his hand from my wrist because of it.

"What the hell do you think this is, a zoo? Stop yelling and cussing! And why the hell are you even ganging up on a freshmen you damn hooligans." The girl sighs in frustration as she came closer to us.

"Do you have anything to say?" she glares at both of them, but nothing came out of their mouths. "Then scram." she yells at them.

But before the black haired guy leaves, he gives me a dirty look, and in exchange I flip him off. But he had already turned around when I did that. Bummer!

The girl sighs. "I'm sorry for them. It's just now that they are sophomores they think they're better than everyone." she says in korean.

"No need for you to apologize" i respond in english, making her freeze in shock.

She started panicking "Oh,I'm sorry! I didn't know you were a foreigner, it's just you look so Korean so I mist-"

"It's fine!" I interrupt her "I am actually Korean, and I can understand korean too but I can't speak it" I chuckled at her flustered face.

"Oh!" she nods "I'm Fei by the way, Lee Fei. I'm a junior in business major" she introduces herself awkwardly smiling at me.

"I'm Y/n, Han Y/n. In business major" I shake her hand.

After this I asked her to help me find my dorm which was the dorm with number 29 on it. She helped me get there and afterwards we exchanged numbers and socials.

Now I was standing in front of the dorm,of my dorm. The dorm that I might spend 4 years in or less. I take my keys out and put them in the bore whole to unlock it.

Then when I finally open the door, I get in, close it behind me and jump on the bed.

The last thing I remember was the smell of lavender brushing my nose.

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