𝐶𝒉𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3

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I woke up from a loud thud coming across the room. My body set up, looking directly where the thud came from. Still half asleep I looked at a male figure in front of me. That's when my eyes shot open, looking at him terrified.

"Oh, did I scare you?" he asked concerned( in korean)

I couldn't give an answer.

"Right!" he said, slapping his head lightly
"I'm Jisung. Han Jisung."

Still no answer.

" I'm your new roommate" he gave me an awkward smile. (in korean)
The second I heard the word roommate, my brain finally got a grasp of the situation.

" Oh, OH you're my roommate" I half-yelled. "I'm Y/n, Han Y/n" (in english)

His eyes widened "Oh my god, you're a foreigner, I forgot that" (in english)

"It's fine, for real" i laughed. " I can understand korean but not speak it"

He gasped. "That's sick! Imagine how many things you can hear from other people"

" Nah that doesn't work for me though" Jisung looked at me confused. "I look Korean, so people already think I know korean"

"oh ,right.." he nods and continues on unpacking his stuff.

My eyes look out of the window which is next to my bed. There were still some students outside, but not as much as they were before.

I took my phone from the drawer, to check the time. And man I got surprised when I saw the time. 16:11 , I slept for about 6 hours and I still feel tired as hell.

I aggressively rub my eyes , and look at Jisung's figure still unpacking. 'He is kinda cute' i think to myself.

"Jisung, you wanna have like a sleepover or something like that" he raised an eyebrow.
"Since we're roommates now, we should at least get to know each other, plus I really need to eat" a huge growl suddenly came from my stomach, making Jisung laugh out loud.

I could literally see a tear coming out of his right eye.
"Okay okay." he says trying to catch his breath from all the laughter.

I sigh. "Do you have a favorite food,so I can get it for you." he just shakes his head no.

"I'm not a picky eater,so feel free buying whatever you want" he says before I took my leave.


Walking down the long half emptied hallway , was kinda creepy. From time to times it felt like time had just stopped or that you had accidentally entered a dream. 

The hall finally was ending as I kept my fast pace going. I only had to turn right to get to the cafeteria. But just there, my intuition told me to slow my pace before I took a turn. The urge to slow my pace was so big that annoyed me. I started slowing my pace, and as I got closer to the end of the hallway, i started hearing voices. Not unknown but known voices. There were more than two people. Four or five people, well that's how many voices I could pick up. I only recognized two of the voices, one which was of the red haired guy and the other one was that Mingi guy's voice.

I couldn't hear anyone else but them speaking. Meaning that It was only them, me and the lady at the cafeteria who is now on a break. The situation got me interested, so I stopped walking and start eavesdropping.

"He's here too" one of the people said.

"Yeah, I got a glimpse of him when he went to the secretary. It must have been him, right?"

"I think so too. Even Songil warned us about him coming"

What are they talking about?

"Wait, Mingi I saw him enter that foreign girl's room." said a known voice.

"What foreign girl?" a younger tone spoke.

"She's a new student here, who made a tantrum today in the morning with Mingi. She was a pain."

"For real I met her too with Hongjoong, she really is a bitch. I was trying to be nice and she acted like I was gonna kill her" a scoff followed after. The way he was twisting the story really pissed me off. It shows a lot about his nature.

"Yeah I do agree on that one," i finally heard Mingi say. "Why are good looking women the worst"

I could hear them all sigh in disappointment. The audacity.

"Yo look at the time, I got to go. I got stuff to do" the midget said.

"Yeah, I have to meet up with my girlfriend too"

"Okay, since everyone has stuff to do, let's end this meeting here. Inform me if you find something" Mingi said.
And everything went silent from them.

I waited a little before moving again to go to my destination.
But something got me thinking. Is Mingi a lea-

I bumped into someone again. I don't know what's gotten into me today.

"Look who we got here, the little foreigner" a familiar voice said.
I looked up to see Mingi again. He wasn't smiling or smirking but was very serious this time.

"Were you eavesdropping us?" He grabbed my left shoulder and started squeezing it.

"What, no what the hell!" I lied. My shoulder was starting to hurt from the squeezing. I could feel the squeezing getting harder.

"Don't lie to me, you bitch" he grabbed my body and slammed it into the wall.

My head was slammed so hard, that I couldn't feel it anymore.
"What the fuck-" he covered my mouth with his hand, making it hard to speak and breathe.

He got down to my level and whispered to my ear. "Let's speak like this, shall we? We don't want anyone else to be involved."

I grabbed the arm that was covering my mouth and tried to move it, but It was a fail. It just made him chuckle. He had a strong grip around my mouth.

"Now now,let's just make it quick. How much do you know?" he looked up at me not responding.

"If you don't tell me right now you little slut," I could hear him chuckle again close to my ear. "raping is always an option"

A wave of fear brushed my body. It was that last sentence that made me realize in what kind of situation I was.
This man isn't someone I can joke around.

I could feel my eyes fill with tears. Even If I told him i did eavesdropped, he would right away assume Im working for someone. I don't even know what's going on.

"Yo, what's going on here?" someone approaching us said. I knew who this voice belonged, although Mingi was blocking the way.

"Oh look who it is. Han Jisung" Mingi said slowly removing his body from me. " So the rumors were correct" he chuckles.

"What were you doing with her?"

"Ignoring me huh." he clicked his tongue "We weren't doing much, just playing" Mingi turns to me giving me a creepy smile.
"Nothing happened,right?"

I couldn't hold it more in.
"He started threatening me with rape" I yelled. Mingi's smile vanished and a furious expression appeared. He really thought I wouldn't say a thing.

"You little bitch." he swore under his breath.

"Yeah i kinda did that, well I was just kidding. "Don't worry I'm not gonna touch her again." he said playfully walking over to Jisung.
"We wouldn't want a war to happen would we" he whispered in Jisung's ear, before leaving.

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