|| The Road Home ||

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While Pidge was inside the green lion trying to contact Earth, Hunk and Romelle were chatting in front of the yellow lion. The other paladins, Shiro, Krolia, Arcadia, Coran, and the wolf were gathered in the center of the circle formed by the five lions. As they waited for the green paladin to return, the canine wandered over to the draconian and nudged his snout against the exposed skin of her thigh. She looked down, humming in question. Meeting the wolf's gaze, she could pick up on what he wanted. Squatting down, she smiled and petted the top of his head. "You're bored, aren't you? What's that game that humans play with dogs?"

"Uh, you mean "fetch"?" Lance asked, overhearing the girl.

"Yes! That!"

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but we don't have a ball to throw around. We don't even have rocks or twigs..."

Arcadia stood up with a smirk. "I think I have a solution." She held her hands a couple of inches apart and used her ice magic to form a sphere. Once the ice was solid, she tossed it up and down in one of her hands. "Think this'll do?"

"I think it would," Keith said.

"Let's try it." She turned to the wolf before throwing the sphere in a random direction. He stood up and vanished into thin air before returning a few seconds later with the ice sphere. "Wha—?" Arcadia's mouth fell agape at how he was able to teleport. She took the sphere from the canine. "That's cheating!"

Keith, Krolia, Lance, Shiro, and Allura continued to watch Arcadia play with the cosmic wolf with smiles on their faces. Krolia crosses her arms before smirking slightly in her son's direction. "It looks like he became attached to Arcadia in no time."

"I'm still surprised at how quick and easy he warmed up to her," Keith commented.

"I do believe it has to do with Arcadia's elemental signature. Animals have always been attracted to her ever since she arrived on Altea after her planet's destruction. My father determined the cause was because of her elemental signature, which creatures find comforting," Allura stated.

Keith remembered when he first met Arcadia on Earth, blinking in realization. "There was a cat that was following her around when we first met."

Lance grinned in his direction. "Worried you might be replaced by a wolf, Keith? Or—Ow!" He felt something hard and cold hit the side of his head. He rubbed the sore spot with a childish pout. "Really, Arcadia?!"

"My bad!" She shouted while giggling, running over to grab the ice sphere. She picked it up as the cosmic wolf appeared by her side. "It slipped 'cause, y'know, ice. Ice is very slippery."

Lance glared at her. "Saying it like that makes you even more suspicious..."

She smiled innocently in response. "I have no idea what you mean." She turned back to the wolf as he waved his tail happily. "C'mon, buddy! Let's keep going!"

Arcadia continued to play with the wolf until Pidge returned from the green lion. She jogged over with the canine by her side, standing beside the stack of metal crates Shiro was sitting on. "How did it go?"

"Were you able to contact Earth?" Shiro added.

Pidge sat on the edge of the crate, hanging her head. "No luck. The low power levels are probably affecting our broadcast distance. I'll keep trying as we head for Earth."

Lance, with his hands on his hips, spoke up as Hunk and Romelle joined them. "I can't believe we're finally going home."

Hunk hugged himself with a warm smile. "I'm gonna hug my parents and never let go."

The Draconian (Keith x OC)Where stories live. Discover now