Chapter 7: Family (final)

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(I really need to come up with a good title for this ;-;)

Just a heads up, though. Luke is kind of OOC (out of character) here. And, I am not good at dramatic moments cuz I really never done it before.  ;-;

Here is the final (extra) chapter!


The auburn and ombre boy finally went to the house. Luke's house. They were now at the doorway, about to ring the doorway. And unfortunately, the auburn boy was hesitant.

He pointed his finger at the doorbell, about to ring it. Then, he put his hands aside. Zander put a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder and whispered. "What's wrong?"

Luke groaned. "I'm so stupid.."

Untaken by the scarf boy's statement, the purple haired boy raised a brow. Zander has said this to himself multiple times-and it was a weird feeling to hear those words coming from Luke. It was now Zander's turn to comfort his boyfriend.

"Stop lying," Zander chuckled. He held Luke's hand and looked him in the eye. "You got this."

Luke smiled, and without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around his purple man. "I love you."

"H-Hey, this is suppost to be a serious moment, not a cheesy one." Zander's face turned red and put his arms around Luke. He quietly whispered, rubbing the back of his boyfriend's head. "But I love you too."

Once they let go, Luke finally rang the doorbell of his house. Zander intwined his hand onto Luke's and winked. "Hold my hand and squeeze if you get angry, okay? Just let it out."

Luke nodded, but didn't face Zander while doing so. He took a deep breath, until someone finally managed to open the door. There was a tall woman with ginger-like hair just like Luke's. "Luke! You're finally here!"

The auburn boy didn't seem to be smiling after seeing his mother.

"Oh, and you brought your boyfriend. Hello again, Zander. Come, I brought you a lot of things." Mrs. Peterson dragged the couple into the house. They both sat down on a empty couch awkwardly.

Mrs. Peterson clapped her hands and looked at the two. "So, what have you been doing?"

"That's not the right question, Lilly."

Luke's mom turned to his son. "Luke! How dare you call me by my first name right in front of your--"

"And how dare you not care for me after all these years." Luke squeezed his boyfriend's hands. Zander smiled, but felt the weight being carried around his wraist. Fortunately, he ignored the feeling and kept quiet. "So, you're not gonna ask how I'm feeling?"

Speechless, Mrs. Peterson looked down.

"Do for me at all?" There was a lump on Luke's throat. Zander turned to his boyfriend and prayed that this conversation would go on well.

"Luke, of course I do!" There were tears in Mrs. Peterson's eyes and she unexpectedly wrapped her arms around her son. Luke, however didn't hug back.

"Then why haven't you done this to me from the beginning. You don't hug me, you never spend some time with me.. and on top of that.." Luke sniffed. "You never told me you loved me."

Even though that isn't Zander talking right now, he still felt that same feeling from long ago. He looked down, rubbing his arm.

Meanwhile, Lilly's heart started breaking. Her son never told him those words before. Speechless, she let go of her embrace and looked at her son like she has never done before. "Luke.. I'm.." she shook her head. "I'm sorry."

Luke's eyes slightly widened and she faced his mom with a shocked expression.

"I love you, Luke. I really, really do..but your dad..? He-" the auburn woman choked on her own throat. She swallowed. "He left me, I'm sorry. We..had an argument with our jobs and we kept giving you gifts so you wouldn't know and-" Mrs. Peterson shook her head and held both of her son's hands and sighed sadly, "I'm sorry."

Luke's butterscotch eyes teared up at his mom's words. He hugged her tightly and she hugged him back. After years of questioning, anger and, confusion, Luke is back where he belongs.

He wiped his tears away. "I love you, Luke. And, I'm sorry again."
The words that he wanted to hear from at least one of his parents was finally said. "I'll explain everything in the right time, but first.. how are you?"

"I'm.." Luke turned and didn't realize his boyfriend was there listening to the whole conversation. The auburn boy turned red. "I'm" Without his mother noticing, Luke mouthed his boyfriend "thank you" and grabbed his hand.

"Zander?.." Lilly sighed. "Thank you for taking care of Luke when he was sick. You were there, when I wasn't.."

Zander smiled and put a hand on his head, his cheeks burning. "What can I say? It just comes naturally--"

"But, he wasn't subborn, right? Was he too much for you? Did he keep asking questions..?"

The ombre haired boy's eyes widened. His pupils turned to his auburn boyfriend. "Uhh.." then Zander looked to Luke's mother. Speechless he whispered: "I loved staying with him."

Lilly sighed. "Now that we have that settled..Do you want to make up for lost time, Luke?" She intwined her hand onto her son. Luke smiled sweetly at her and chucked quietly. "We could invite Zander don't mind."

"Y-Yes!" Zander giggled under his breath. He coughed and leaned in towards the Peterson's.

"Well, Zander." Luke smiled, pecking his loved ones cheeks. "Looks like I'll be staying Home with You again." He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and his mother. Luke gently whispered into Zander's ear: "And most importantly, thank you for reuniting me with my mom.."

The End..


Yayy~ Congratulate me for finishing this, finally! ^^ This has taken me so darn long to finish..

First things first, I was trying to make this ending dramatic..and I failed ;w; Last week has been so much and so different for me and that's why I didn't publish sooner. There could've been more things I could add but for the sake of my brain, I just think I had to.

One things for sure, Luke angst is hard to write. Like seriously--
But I'm gonna practice writing dramatic scenes and once I get good, I can think back on it (and probably make fun of my past self for doing it horribily /j)

For the honeybuns who read the old version and/or new version: Thank you so much, this story is so cringe XD The first part of this story didn't even make sense with the ending, but I tried my hardest.. and thankfully I finally did it!  I feel so bad for not saving the old version of Home With You. There were so many fluff scenes and some were actually kind of adorable to me but some I find very cringy. (And, I love looking at the comments of the old version.) Maybe I'll recreate the old version in a new chapter someday, who knows?

P.S: I'm planning to write a Choose Your Own Adventure story on TMF. I don't know if I actually am, but I'll try for fun!

Anway, I hope you enjoyed this extra-ending chapter thing.

This is officially the ending to "Home With You".

And I am not deleting it this time probably~ XD

And finally, I hope you peeps have a good day!

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