Chapter 3: Questions...?

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Question:If you could describe Lander in one word, what would it be?

(P.S: Edit that has nothing to do with the story made by me XD)

(Trigger Warning in the ending: Fainting/almost death-

And sorry for not publishing sooner ;w; I was kinda scared to publish this part- I was not really confident of how this remake part turned out but here ya go:

Luke's head started to feel a little better, the problem was: he had coughs and a runny noise which led to sneezes.

Luke kept getting lots of tissues and blowing his nose with it. He used about 50 of them so far; it was getting a lot worst, he almost couldn't breathe.

When Luke coughed non-stop, Zander patted him on the back to make him stop. His boyfriend did everything he could to make his sick boyfriend feel much more better; even if it makes himself feel sick too.

Zander tend to go too close to Luke unbelievably; because Luke's sniffles get a little better when Zander is close. And, Zander had to be there just in case Luke's coughs get worst. Another reason: Zander kept thinking Luke was hiding something from him. He got sick out of know where and he knows Luke doesn't really get sick out of the blue, but he didn't want to make Luke feel bad, so the purple boy decided to keep it to himself. (Did you get the reference-?)

Luke is so kind; he never puts himself first.. he always takes care of Zander. Now, it's Zander's turn to help Luke.

"Zander, you don't really have to do this-"

"No, you little stubborn puppy I do have to do this," Zander interrupted. Then, got a warm mug filled with warm water. "Now, drink up."

Luke did what he was told and drank up and sighed. "You know.. I'm suppost to be the one taking care of you.."

Zander turned his head and smirked. "Tables have changed, drumsticks.."

Luke looked at Zander surprisingly. Was drumsticks a good pet-name? He just shrugged and changed the subject"You know.. I keep getting dreams about that day.."

"Day of what?" Zander looked at Luke curiously.

"You know.. our confession?" Luke chuckled. "People keep watching it a thousand times..--
I keep dreaming about it.." (People, I am never writing a story where there are no 4th wall breaks- 😎)

"Well, it is a day we'll never forget," Zander smiled to himself thinking about the day they confessed. The leaves flew through them, the air was cool; and when Luke finally kissed Zander- it felt like they were in heaven. Imagine waiting for something that should've happened years ago and it happened on that day- the special day. Have you ever got a day that was awful; like when Zander finally knew Luke had a crush on someone else when Luke wrote that love song, and when Zander was hesitant to tell Luke about his feelings; then Drew made fun of him, and when Zander thought he was an awful friend to Luke; and even when Stacy got close to Luke. And even when the club convinced Zander to finally confess to Luke; he was confident but then the world stopped when Stacy kissed Luke; but Luke rejected her and ran away to Zander. And all that pain on that day lead to a beautiful confession. Luke in a million years would never give up on his loved one- never, and same with least..

not intentionally.

Zander took another sip of his hot tea. "I can't imagine a life without you, drumsticks.."

Luke suddenly turned gray at that statement. He turned to the lavender eyed boy. "Why.. do you keep calling me drumsticks?" Luke asked, but slightly smiling and changing the subject.

"'Cause I told you I would call you names a lot. This is one of them.. drumsticks," Zander smirked. Luke sniffed on his tissue and rolled his eyes.

About 30 seconds later, the autumn voice sneezed out of know where. "AHH-CHO!!!"

Silence filled the room as Zander tried his best not to laugh. But, he did. Luke sniffed and chuckled with him.

You have a beautiful laugh..


Zander woke up at midnight to a tired yawn. He didn't feel like sleeping even though he was clearly tired. The purple European boy decided to get some air and go in the living room for some fresh air for a while.

"Its.." Zander said to himself..then paused. "It's weird how Luke got sick all of a sudden. And he seems so calm about it.. but why..?"

After a few minutes of silence, he heard his cellphone beep. Out of curiosity, he picked it up and saw the call address: Hailey

Zander raised a brow and pressed the call button, surprised that his stepsister would call on such short notice.



That wasn't his stepsister. It was non only than his over-confident frenemy: Jake Sterling. "Jake! You idiot, what the heck are you doing with my sister's phone!?"

"Relax, Zander. I was..just..uhh.." Jake hesitated for a moment then made a "good" excuse. "I couldn't sleep so I..used..Hailey's phone. 'Cause my phone was low battery and I accidentally pressed on your phone number so--" he chuckled nervously as Zander groaned in response. "You know what? I should ask you. What are you doing in the middle of the night?"

Zander sighed deeply. "I couldn't sleep so I often stay up late.."

"Relatable. I do that do. But, considering your actions, you probably do this more often than me," Jake laughed at himself as Zander gave a mad growl in return. He looked at his bedroom door, trying not to wake his boyfriend. "Speaking of sleep, how are you and Luke doing together? I heard you two are living like..a married couple or something."

Once Jake said those words, Zander's cheeks turn red as a tomato. "S-Stop, Jake! We are not a married least.." not yet.. he said to himself smirking and blushing hard at the same time. Zander shook his head. "Y-You know what nevermind!-- It's just hard taking care of Luke you know?! I just feel like he's hiding something from me.."

Jake laughed. "Well, you know Luke. The mysterious yet a lovesick puppy.."

"But he's more than just a lovesick puppy.."

"I know. But, it's you he loves and you he always talks about. If he's sad; it's mostly about you, Zander." Jake said, he yawned after.

That statement made Zander think deeply. He looked down and it turns out.. surprisingly..Jake was  right. "What if.." Zander started. "What if this isn't just about me..?"


All of sudden a sudden murmur came from his bedroom. Zander turned his head around and his eyes widen as he saw his auburn haired boyfriend putting a hand on his chest, gasping for air.



I'm actually kind of scared to post the next chapter cuz it's gonna be kind of--

Umm-- Actually I don't know how to describe it-
I'll try to publish the next sooner since there is only 2 days of school left and I'll probably be free yay- XD

(Also there's this new idea coming to mind about a new story..except that maybe I won't publish it-)

Thanks for reading..bai~

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