Chapter 19: It's Alright, You'll be Fine

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The days on board the ship passed slow, but they passed none the less. The work was easy, they only were needed to make sure the ship was in tact, which it was for the most part. Not much really happened in 7 days.

Kara felt like she got along with everyone well, especially Baron. Kara had made Loki join in the larger table during meals, much to his disappointment. He preferred the table to themselves.

The nights in separate beds were hard, having remembered the party with Thor after the use of the mind stone, she found it hard to sleep as the memories crept into her dreams. She hadn't told Loki about it, she didn't wish to worry him. But her dreams were, blue, she couldn't get why, they just were. She heard whispers at night, but no one else was awake. She had many restless nights.

This was going to be the last night on the ship, they were expected to land tomorrow. The crew was going to have a little party, partly because some people were going to be reassigned, partly because it was a reason to get drunk with their mates.

Kara was preparing herself to convince Loki to attend it with her, she knew he wouldn't want to partake of the festivities, having not enjoyed his stay on the ship much at all. Part of that was due to him being stubborn, and second because he ended up having bad sea sickness the first few nights.

Kara walked into the engine room, where Loki was on the floor, working on reinforcing a patch.

"Loki," Kara cooed, slowly sitting next to him.

"Yes, my dove?" He questioned, placing down his tools and wiping his hands off on a rag next to him.

"So, the guys, their having a little gathering tonight, since it's our last night and all," She said quietly.

"And?" Loki sighed, looking at her.

"Well.. I'm going, I want you to come, we're gonna have it on the deck, it'll be fun," she said, nudging him.

"Kara, I don't enjoy these parties," Loki said, going back to what he was doing.

She sighed.

"Okay," she slowly stood up, "if you change your mind, it'll be after dinner," she said quietly.

"Kara," Loki looked up at her. She looked back at him. "Dove, we are never going to see these people again, why are you forming a bond with them?"

"I'm not 'forming a bond', I'm having fun. It's been a while since I've had fun," she said, looking away.


"Loki, it's fine," she said softly. She almost added that he couldn't control that but.. maybe he could've.

He stood up, running his hands through his hair. His shoulders sunk when he saw the look on her face. She seemed, disappointed, to say the least.

"I'll go," he said quietly. It was worth it to see her face light up.

"Really?" She smiled at him, trying to contain her excitement. He sighed then nodded, offering her a small smile back.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tight. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Thank you," she said quietly. She pulled away and kissed his cheek, before smiling at him again.

"Anything for my dove," he hummed.

She blushed before pressing a kiss to his lips.


Kara had been so excited all day, it felt like it dragged on forever, but they were finally finishing up dinner. Kara hoped Loki would enjoy himself, she wanted desperately for him to relax.

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