"Photoshoots and Insta-stalking"

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Ciao Ethan, hopefully you see this. This might sound strange, but did you happen to go to a cafe earlier today and write a letter in response to one you found? If your answer is yes, can you please tell me something you wrote about? I just want to make sure it is actually the person who wrote back, haha thanks, sorry to bother you

Ciao Rora! Si, that was me. You wrote about your friend telling you to end with positive things and you said that you were the happiest you had been in a while and I wrote that I was happy for you.

Oh, now that I know who you are, I can give you my friend's number. Her name is Victoria, we are in a band together, she plays the bass. Her instagram is @vicdeangelis and her number is +39 xxx-xxxx-xxxx

Wait, how did you find out it was me? Or possibly me?

I realize you are probably asleep, buonanotte Rory

Aurora woke up to her alarm going off. It was early and she barely opened her eyes when she turned it off. She had a shoot today for some magazine with some friends she made through the agency. She knew the time was 5:00, so she didn't bother to look at her phone. Aurora was too tired to remember the message she was waiting for.

After jumping into the shower and waking up a little, she finally could think straight. Doing her hair quickly, she didn't bother with makeup since it would be done for her at the shoot. She grabbed her phone from her room after changing into a t-shirt and loose fitting jeans, and went down to the kitchen to eat a quick breakfast before leaving.

While eating her bowl of cereal, Aurora opened Instagram and was happy Ethan has responded. She laughed when seeing he sent her four messages. Glad he was definitely the same Ethan from the letter, she decided to hold off on responding until she got out of her photoshoot since it was so early and barely anyone was awake at this time. After grabbing her purse she called a taxi and left for the magazine's studio.

The studio was about an hour away, so she passed the time by stalking Ethan and his band on Instagram. All she could think about was how hot they all were. She learned that they had recently won Sanremo and would be representing Italy in Eurovision soon in May. Really wanting to listen to their music, she regretted not bringing her headphones. She would have asked the taxi driver if he minded her playing music but he was an older gentleman and was listening to the radio. She felt too anxious that he might say no so she just left him be and reminded herself to listen when she either gets to the studio or when she gets home. Going back to Instagram, she followed Ethan, Victoria, Thomas, Damiano, and the band's official account, and continued looking through their pages.

Soon she arrived in front of the building and after paying the driver, she headed inside. There was a lady at the front desk.

"Ciao, I am here for the Grazia photoshoot. Do you know where that is?"

The woman looked up and smiled fakely, "Go to the elevators on the left over there," she pointed to the elevators, "and go to the third level. You should see some people up there, they can tell you where they need you."

Aurora thanked her, even though she really didn't want to, and went to the third level. The rude woman was correct, there were a couple people Aurora assumed were the staff setting up. When they noticed Aurora, they said she was early and could just wait around for the other models. She felt awkward doing nothing so after a few minutes she asked if she could do anything to help, which the staff gladly accepted. They had her roll out one of the backdrops and move a few props.

Eventually the other models began showing up. There were five total, Aurora, Melina, Josie, Kloe, and Sara. The makeup artist started taking care of them as the stylist planned on who was wearing what outfits. Aurora was put into a red feathery dress with simple makeup and curled hair. After about an hour of the photographer moving them around, they moved to the roof to try and get some pictures with the sky in the background. He had her move so she was leaning on one of the stone walls. The girls also took a few group pictures and after a while they were done.

Cafe Letters | Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now