"Movie Marathons and Goodbyes"

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Carli and Rora spent the first few hours together running around the city, getting everything they wanted for the night. After purchasing a couple bags of chips and an assortment of candy, they went back to Carli's apartment.

"Okay, so let's recap the plan. Change clothes and go to the gym, come back here and shower, order something for dinner and build a fort while waiting, then absolutely turn into couch potatoes for the rest of the night," Carli said.

"Yeah, sounds about right," Rora said while unpacking the food from the grocery bags.

The girls went and changed; both into a leggings and sports bra set, Rora's being black and Carli's being purple. The gym wasn't too busy and much to the girls liking, mostly women were there. After warming up with the bikes, Rora went to work on legs and Carli did arms. Squats and deadlifts were Rora's preferred exercises and she was proud of how far she has come with her strength since she began working out. Rora had never gone to the gym before a month ago, now she was able to squat 36kg and deadlift 45kg. A few of the gym employees had even told her that the progress she made in such a short amount of time was incredible.

Eventually the girls switched and Rora did arms while Carli did legs. For arms, Rora just benched and did some exercises with the dumbbells. Calling it quits after an hour, both were heavily sweating and absolutely exhausted. Carli showered first when they got back to her apartment and Rora just laid on the ground, trying to cool down on the cold tile. When Carli was done and after Rora showered too, the girls decided to order a pizza to be delivered. Carli called the pizza shop and when she hung up she said, "We have 30 minutes to build the fort before they come."

Carli had already gotten out the blankets and pillows while Rora showered so they both rushed into the living room and moved the chairs and couches around. Draping the blankets over the furniture and securing them with heavy things, they got under the fort and set up all the pillows and blankets to lay on, and at the end, they worked together to move the tv.

 Draping the blankets over the furniture and securing them with heavy things, they got under the fort and set up all the pillows and blankets to lay on, and at the end, they worked together to move the tv

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Right when they finished, they heard the buzz signaling someone was at the door. It was the delivery person and Rora was able to get there and pay before Carli could.

"Its MY house, YOU are MY guest, you shouldn't be paying."

"Well I don't care, you are letting me stay here, its the least I could do. Also I think I barely count as a guest, we are best friends."

The girls laughed, neither giving into the other's argument.

One pizza, three Harry Potter movies, and a lot of candy later, the girls crashed. When they woke up the next morning, they cleaned up their mess from the night but left the fort up for the rest of the Harry Potter marathon. Neither being too hungry for breakfast, they skipped the meal, deciding to eat closer to noon. When the end credits of Goblet of Fire came on, Carli turned to Rora, "So now that the band won Sanremo and you and Ethan are officially together, have you talked about the Eurovision Song Contest at all? I mean they will be in Rotterdam for a few weeks, right?"

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