"First Talks"

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She now stood in front of Ethan and Ethan stood in front of her. They both had recognized the other from stalking on Instagram.

Now that they were here, neither knew what to do. It was as if they both forgot how to speak.

Moments passed and when they both realized neither was planning on saying anything, Ethan looked at the ground and shook his head with a grin on his face. He looked back up at Rora and finally said, "Ciao Bella."

It was enough to pull Rora from her trance-like state and she blushed. "Ciao Ethan. It's nice to finally meet you." She wasn't sure if they should hug, but Ethan must have read her mind because he pulled her into one and they just stood there. Together, just forgetting the world around them.

Someone cleared their throat and they pulled away from each other. Rora looked behind her and saw it was her friends, Sara who looked in awe of Ethan and Melina who looked confused by the interaction. Mel was the one to speak up, "Ciao, I am Melina," and she stuck out her hand which Ethan happily shook, "do you two know each other." 

Rora and Ethan looked at each other, not knowing who should respond, but Rora decided to. "Kind of, this is our first time seeing each other in person." This seemed to only confuse Mel more so she continued, "it's kind of a long story, and it is a little personal." Mel accepts this as an answer but gave Rora a look that said she would definitely bring it up later. 

Moving on, Sara introduced herself and almost passed out when Ethan offered for the three girls to sit over with the rest of the band. Now the seven of them sat around a small circular table chatting away in different side conversations. 

"I saw you guys won Sanremo a few weeks ago, so what is next?" Rora asked Ethan.

"We have a small break right now before going to represent Italy in the Eurovision Song Contest later in May. We are just spending the time practicing a lot, doing a few concerts here and there. We usually stay in Roma but we decided to rent a house here in Milano so we could focus on music."

"That is really cool, good luck! I think you guys will win. I haven't gotten a chance to listen to Måneskin's music yet, but I know it is amazing."

In overhearing that Rora hadn't heard the band play yet, Vic jumped in, "Oh, we actually have a show tonight at a small bar. You should totally come, right Ethan?" Vic winked at Ethan who looked like he wanted to disappear into his chair at her push. Ethan obviously agreed and Vic exchanged numbers with Rora and sent her the address of the bar. 

Damiano stopped his conversation with Mel upon the reminder about the show. "We should probably head out and practice before we have to head over for a soundcheck."

Everyone starts saying their byes. Rora hugs Damiano and Vic, telling them she will see them later and when she hugs Ethan he asks, "Maybe you would like to come early? You know, so you don't get stuck in the crowd." She accepts his offer and he tells her to go to the bar at 20:00 since the show starts at 22:00 and people will try and get there really early. "Just text me when you get there and I will bring you around to the dressing room." He smiles, happy with himself.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rora saw Thomas and Sara. They were exchanging numbers and both looked equally as nervous and flustered. Rora thought it was absolutely adorable and apparently so did Vic, who was also watching the two flirt. 

When the models and the band split up, Sara left to go back home and Mel asked Rora if she could keep hanging out for a little. They headed back to Rora's apartment and it was when they stepped through Rora's door that Mel brought Ethan back up. 

"How come you didn't speak up earlier when Sara got all excited about Vic and Damiano if you knew Ethan?" Rora knew the question wasn't meant to be rude but she still felt like she was getting interrogated a bit. 

Cafe Letters | Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now