School Day

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Science. That was the class. Or at least that is what it seemed like. To most students in that class, it was nothing but white noise. The teacher's voice was slow paced, like a beat without melody, & almost no rhythm. It wasn't sweet either, & it wasn't trying to be, but it had the same effect you would expect from a lullaby: If the students weren't asleep, they were halfway there, & it was always like that with this teacher, in this class & with that subject: Biology. Marine biology, to be specific. That teacher had a... reputation... around the school, & they seemed to be very passionate about keeping it.

At least, that's what Kakyoin Noriaki had heard. He didn't really care about the teachers' "reputation", & it showed in his constantly unexpressive expression. He wasn't about those types of talk. He wasn't about any type of talk at all. He had a bit of a reputation himself. No. the opposite of a reputation would be more accurate. No strong opinions were held about him. Some people didn't know he went to that school. Hell, there were people who didn't know he existed, or saw him as some kind of ghost that wandered the school by inertia, devoid of any will to be seen, heard or talked to. He was marked absent many days just because teachers didn't hear his voice while taking assistance. If it wasn't for his reddish-pink wavy hair, soulless lavender eyes & cherry themed earrings, you wouldn't be able to spot him in the middle of the crowded halls of the school. Outside of that, teachers were conflicted about him, scared of him even. It wasn't like he was willingly trying to intimidate those around him. He did excellent in class, he never asked questions regarding topics that killed most of his classmates' grades. He was good enough to go on a trip to Egypt with his family later that year without any teacher minding at all. He was a good student, but he was an outsider; he had always been. & that wasn't going to change any time soon.

Noriaki sat in front of the class on the window side, disconnected from everything inside the classroom. He already knew what the teacher was explaining, he had already seen it before. As if not even the teacher had enough energy to teach anything else. Noriaki was drawing on the side of his notes. That was something he tended to do: Drawing helped him battle boredom. He didn't have any problems with boredom, he wasn't one those kids that need to be constantly entertained. If he ever was bored, he could handle that himself. He had ways to do it, he just didn't like to take "him" out mid class. So drawing it was. He snapped out of his trance when the teacher raised their voice at some kids in the background. They were mumbling to each other.

-Do you, kids, want to share what is so interesting with the rest of the class? - The teacher said in their slow paced tone. Everyone, including the mumbling kids, went silent. Noriaki was still in his own little world thinking those kids would just shut up & the teacher would continue with their explanation, but that was before one of the kids said:

-If you really want to know, ask Kujo. We didn't do anything. -The kid sounded like they had a smirk on their face the whole time. Noriaki finally turned around to look at what everyone was looking at in the back of the classroom. The kid that spoke up had pointed at someone siting in the back of the room, also next to the window. The boy had his legs crossed on the table. He had his shirt's sleeves rolled up, & he wasn't wearing their jacket correctly: He had it hanging on his shoulders like a cape of sorts. His dark curly hair was all slicked back, except for one stray strand that fell over his face. It looked like it didn't bother him. In fact, it looked like nothing could ever bother him, like he was laying on a hammock in a palm's shadow in some island's beach. He looked like he was anywhere but a Japanese junior high classroom in the middle of a science class, being stared at directly by the most hated teacher by all students.

"So that's the so-called 'JoJo'?" Noriaki thought while looking at him. The fact that he didn't take part in "those types of talk" didn't mean he hadn't already heard it all about this guy. Kujo Jotaro seemed to be the type of kid you didn't talk to, yet knew everything about, & not for very good reasons. By himself, the kid was... problematic, to say the least. Bullying other kids, snapping at people for no reason, calling everyone in sight either "bitch" or "bastard", smoking, stealing: He was just 14 & he already had a criminal record. & yet, despite all this, everyone wanted to either be his friend, or partner. His family was probably the main reason: To put it bluntly, the Kujos weren't exactly low on cash, probably because of Joseph Joestar's real estate business & Sadao Kujo's jazz concerts all around the country. Jotaro was what you could consider a "trophy boyfriend". But Noriaki didn't really care, he didn't know him. The teacher walked up to Jotaro's seat after staring at him for a long while.

-Let me ask again. Do you want to share what is so interesting with the rest of the class, Kujo? - The teacher kept their slow paced tone, losing their temper at the same speed. Jotaro just shrugged.

-You are aware that if you are not interested in this class you can always leave the classroom, right, Kujo? – The teacher sounded more annoyed with each sentence. Jotaro just pointed at his notes without opening his mouth nor his eyes. The teacher looked at the notes: They were organized by theme, highlighted & colored, written perfectly & even accompanied by a small drawing of a starfish on the side. Jotaro signaled the teacher to look back up at him, & the teacher did, only to be welcomed by a cloud of smoke. The cloud dispersed, & soon the entire classroom smelt like it was burning. A bunch of kids coughed. Jotaro spoke, his voice weirdly soothing:

-Not that I don't like this class, I just don't like your class. Nah, I don't like you. If you don't mind that, you can fuck off & leave me alone. Nah, it would be more convenient for you. – He said this before putting the cigarette back in his mouth normally. He had put it inside his mouth without putting it off, & when the teacher looked up, he puffed a cloud of smoke at their face.

-You are too confident if you think you can just sit comfortably & smoke in my class, young man. You better do well on the pop quiz I am about to make. - The teacher said, inches away from snapping. All the kids started complaining, but the teacher silenced them instantly.

-I'll fail it. – The boy said with such confidence as if he was reading the future off the palm of his hand- But not because I don't know the answers, I just don't care. You're a really bad teacher, & that's not the dolphins' fault, y'know? Now leave me alo-

End of chapter 1

Author's note:


Hi! I'm Lynn, & this is my first Wattpad fanfic ever! Let me acknowledge the fact I am a N O O B at this, but I've always liked to write so... yeah! Tell me if this sucks in some way & also spelling mistakes (English is not my mother tongue so I already apologize for the cringe my writing might make you go through TuT)

I know this is called "chapter 1", but consider it a "chapter 0" or a "pilot" (along with the next chapter that's coming on any other time-) cuz I'm just "testing the waters" around, playing with Wattpad as a tool, seeing what's up! So chances are some of what's seen here won't stay for the original story (not like much really happened but OH WELL-).

Anyways, most of the artworks used in this story are gonna be my own, & if it's not, I'll do my best to give credits to whom I owe it to. We all hate reposts without credit, right? -_-

Even if this chapter doesn't perform well, I WILL continue the story, cuz I've already conceptualized it & NOBODY CAN STOP ME- so if you're interested, stay tuned, cuz not only more of this story, but more stories are on their way too! I have a lot of JoJo brain rot to write about, so y'all are not getting rid of me anytime soon >:)

I think I covered everything I wanted to talk about, so thank you for reading! I hope to see you all next time :)

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