The World, Part 1: United we stand

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-Where are you, Joestar? -DIO muttered to Himself. As He remembered it, Joseph & Polnareff had jumped down a building & He had lost them. That couldn't be. He had to find them, specifically Joseph. With his blood & Jotaro's, He would obtain full control of His body & there wouldn't be anyone else to oppose Him. "You hear that, Jonathan? I'm so close to ridding of your whole offspring... & you're not here to stop me from doing it." He thought as He kept climbing further & further away from the streets & higher & higher between the tallest buildings & skyscrapers in the city.

It was empty. & Quiet. Awfully quiet, actually, which was unusual. In the previous chances DIO had facing the Joestar bloodline, they were always loud & flashy, & He just arrived from chasing them through the whole city, so this was quite the change of pace. The sudden switch in fighting strategy & style threw Him off. He couldn't think of any of those "useless worms" that would come up with something like this, except...

"No, that can't be it. They wouldn't let him." Or so He thought as He jumped from rooftop to rooftop towards the highest skyscraper He had caught sight of. He tried concentrating on the bond between His body & its former owner's descendants, but both of them were too far away from DIO & each other for Him to be able to tell exactly where they were. "That must mean my hypothesis was correct. They are waiting for the sun to end me instead of fighting me themselves. Such cowards." This thought amused Him greatly, but this was no time to laugh, or make any other sound for that matter. The Joestars weren't around, & the traitors following them were out of sight. DIO wasn't worried, though: alerting them of His presence & having to fight them all at once would be a hazard, certainly, but He could manage easily. With something like His time stop He could manage anything, He was unmatched, Unrivalled! He would soon stand over all of His enemies' lifeless bodies at the top of The World! Only Himself, DIO!-

-The fly has been trapped.

A swarm of green shining objects went flying directly towards Him as He reached towards the tall building. He barely dodged them, having to block some of the projectiles & scrapping His hands. "That's right, I only barely obtained enough blood to heal that hamon wound. This body's disobedience towards me & that wound combined... I'm still recovering & this is not helping in the slightest." During His attempt at recoiling, a new batch of projectiles came His way & He tried His hardest to avoid them without blocking them with His bare hands. Instead, with His eyes looking forward & His stand on His back, He avoided what projectiles He could see, blocking what He couldn't with The World. He didn't notice this, but every step He took moved Him further away from the skyscraper. Moments before another array of the cursed green attacks rushed towards Him, He felt it. He barely avoided the barrage, distracted by His revelation. Of course. How hadn't He realized it sooner? Perhaps because it was hard to believe, but it was still so obvious. He had heard it, from the touch, He could hear the message he tried to send through the invisible movement detector surrounding Him.

-It's out. Be sure to be prepared when He does it.

So it was that filthy traitor after all. After one last wave of green He was able to swiftly jump over, He landed over a building & bended over one of His knees. "So he has finally realized the actual potential of his stand... That is rather inconvenient." If Hierophant Green was really all around Him, He wouldn't be able to go through it without using The World. If He tried to do that, the entire blasted green offensive thrown His way would be lethal or at least incredibly painful. But taking The World out again would expose it to whoever that red headed bastard just talked to. Not only that, but the more time He spent rummaging on the situation while on His knees, the more time that person had to sneak-attack Him. "No, they think that would be 'too much of a low move' or something... But if they let him plan an attack like this on me they might not care anymore... How can I be sure? Damn this Joestars & their infernal unpredictability!... No, this is clearly not their doing, this is about"-

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