"Gimme a Break...", part 3: Two Player Game

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-So... What is it about? –Jotaro asked pointing at the television screen from his spot on the couch. The screen was all black except for the title of the videogame Noriaki was playing from where he was sitting on the floor: "Mother", with an animation of the earth spinning replacing the letter O. In response, Noriaki shrugged. –So you blind-bought it. –Jotaro judgingly stated.

-Not really. I heard it was pretty good. & I like RPGs.


-Role Playing Games.


-Anyway, let's get this started already! –Noriaki exclaimed before selecting one of the empty files.

A keypad appeared, with the icon of a boy next to it & the text "Name this boy". Against Jotaro's refusal, Noriaki ended up calling the boy "JoJo".

The next character he had to name was a girl whose name seemed to be already predetermined: "Ana". After a small discussion, both teens assumed the girl would eventually become the love interest, which earned a long tired sigh from both of them, but they quickly changed the girl's name to "Marina", the geneticist from the Speedwagon Foundation that bothered Jotaro so much, & moved on (Noriaki didn't know what part of this little joke made his chest weigh so much, but he ignored it).

Another boy whose name seemed to be "Lloyd" came after & seemed to be wearing glasses by the design of his icon. Before Noriaki had a chance to react, Jotaro took the controller from him, named the boy "Nori" & gave him the controller back.

With a sigh, Noriaki went back to naming the last character: A yankee looking boy whose set name was "Teddy". With a quick glance between both teens & without a word or hesitation, they named him "Jean", for "Polnareff" was way too long of a name to fit it in the six-letter space they had been given.

Lastly, after debating for a while, they settled "JoJo's" favourite food was "Shabu" because, as Kakyoin retorted, "'Your mom's cooking' is a bit too long for the letter limit".

After the naming, came a little story: "In the early 1900's, a dark shadow fell over a rural town in America. Shortly after, a married couple mysteriously vanished.

The man's name was George. The woman's name was Maria.

Two years later, George returned home but never told anyone where he had been or what he had done. Instead, he deeply immersed himself in strange research.

As for his wife, Maria... She never returned."

-Huh... -was Jotaro's whole reaction to Noriaki's immersive narration of this story.

-Wonder what happened, right? –Noriaki asked.

-Yeah, but the story made me... uneasy.

-Probably because I'm just that good of a narrator.

-Shut up & watch the screen.

Jotaro was right to point out the screen seemed to be telling their current location in the game: "1988, outside the town of Podunk"

When the black screen disappeared, the boy they had named "Jojo" was standing in the middle of a bedroom. When they tried to head towards the door, the lamp in the middle of the room started moving around & attacked the little kid, which earned a surprised jump from both teens on the other side of the screen.

-Oh, my Gosh, it's a lamp- Jotaro had to say to himself to process the unexplainable event that just occurred.

-I better hit it with my... hand? Pretty sure I don't have any weapons yet-

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