A Talk on The Roof, Part 2: A trip down (lost) memory lane

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-... Mr Joestar & Jean should be here by now. -Noriaki stated, looking around, ignoring the view in front of him. Jotaro just hummed in response.

Noriaki was standing on the top of a skyscraper's lightning rod, watching over the whole area around them both Jotaro, who was sitting by the bottom of the rod, & himself. Only a few people would notice the massive shining green web hanging from all the buildings in a twenty meter radius tops. With Hierophant Green entirely unravelled, Noriaki covered that whole area to detect anything that ever so slight touched the web, & emerald splashed them out of it. This would keep DIO distracted so that, while he was trying to get to Noriaki, Jotaro could freely hit him. Joseph & Polanreff's job was to lure DIO into the web as if it were a bear trap with a huge piece of meat for the animal to grab.

Honestly, Noriaki wouldn't have participated if they didn't let him play his part like this. It seemed like he really needed to see the monster defeated eye to eye to be pleased with himself. Everyone wondered...

-What are you trying to prove with this?

-Hm? -Noriaki questioned without looking at Jotaro, who asked the question. He was too busy keeping watch of the web & processing many thing in his mind to turn around.

-Why are you so determined on facing DIO on your own? You, better than anyone, know he can easily take you out. The fear of death is natural, but you seem to lack it, rushing straight into the battle, even all the way back at home. So all I'm asking is, what are you trying to prove? & to who? -Jotaro spoke, in an unusual, softer tone. Noriaki wasn't surprised, Jotaro seemed to soften his tone when there were less people around. Or that's what it seemed like every time they were alone together. He didn't say anything, but Jotaro wasn't satisfied with that answer. He stood up, walked up to the rod & supported his weight against it. It didn't move. Noriaki sighed & jumped down & off the rod, leaning against it as well, ending back-to-back with Jotaro. He felt it tremble a bit, but it stood still high over the skyscraper.

-Is it because of your memories? -Jotaro enquired. -Do you want them back so bad? I mean, why would you? It seems like it sucked back there.

-Because it's not that, Jojo. -Noriaki finally answered. He pushed against the rod. It trembled again. -I'm proving something... to myself. -He lifted his head up. -I don't care how stupid that sounds-

-Noriaki, that doesn't sound stupid at all. -Jotaro said, pushing his own weight against the rod. He could feel Noriaki's surprise from his side of the rod.-I think yourself is the only you should try to prove something to. Who gives a fuck about everyone else? -Noriaki let out a sigh of relief at that.-... But I know that's not all.

-... So it's that obvious, huh? ... Did I ever tell you how I got that flesh bud in the first place?

-I don't think you have, no. -They both chuckled softly. For a few minutes the tension lifted up.

-Sit down, this is a long story. -Jotaro did as told, sitting back down at the bottom of the rod, carefully listening to Noriaki.-... So, do you remember, back in junior high, when I left for a trip with my parents to Egypt?

-Yeah I always thought it was crazy they let you leave mid-term. -Jotaro's tone went from amused to serious in a second. -... Was that when he got you?

-Yes. -Noriaki's straight forward & cold tone Jotaro knew oh so well was hinted in that single word & stayed as Noriaki continued to speak. -During that trip, my parents & I separated. That's where I met Him. He was terrifying... But also alluring. It was gross. He convinced me to join him so easily-

-Wait so that means-

-He didn't force me to join him. I agreed to it. Yes. -With each word it hurt them both not to just turn around & look at each other. -He hit where it hurt, & I let him do it. If there's anyone to blame for separating me from my parents, for distressing them, for the time I attacked you at school, it's not Him, but myself. I want to prove to him he doesn't scare me anymore. He can't tell me what to do anymore. He doesn't control me anymore. Not Him. Not anyone else. Ever again. -Noriaki started climbing back up the rod until something tugged on his hand. It was Jotaro.

-You don't have to do it alone.

-Look who's talking! -Noriaki laughed in disbelief as he got off the lightning rod again. -Sure. I don't have to do it alone. I know you'll be there... I mean, Polnareff, Mr. Joestar & you, not just you but- look the point is, you're not alone in this either, so stop thinking you are some sort of... Obligation bastion who has to do everything the way the last man on earth would, will you? -Noriaki looked at Jotaro's face. Jotaro nodded in response. Noriaki smiled, determination shining in his eyes along with the shining green web behind him before Jotaro leaned down & hugged him. Noriaki was surprised but just hugged him back. After a few seconds like that, they both let go & got back into their respective positions. A few minutes later Noriaki nudged Jotaro, who had fallen asleep.

-They're here. & so is He.

End of chapter 9

Author's note:

As I promised, two episodes at once. Don't expect such generosity to repeat itself after this-

Short little chapter before what would be the season finale of this thing! If this was "Helluva Boss", this chapter would be "OZZIE'S". So I hope all this waterworks prepared you for all the action for the next chapters. This chapter & the previous one were going to be one but then they got too long so here we are. I'm back in my origins with this chapter as you can see. As for cover art, just thought it would be a good way to give away the context of this expositional chapter (which with how many I've done so far, I should be a professional at writing them-)

Anyways, gotta work on the next chapter so enjoy! I hope to see you all next time :)

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