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While Noriaki walked around the streets of Egypt, he covered his eyes with his white scarf. Such a long time in the hospital had made him forget how bright the sun could be here. With the scarf on his face, people didn't pay him as much as attention as they did in Calcutta.

After arriving in Egypt a couple of days prior to this, Noriaki had been severely hurt in his eyes by one of DIO's followers, N'Doul, part of the Nine Glory Gods, a powerful group of stand users under DIO's command. N'Doul's stand was Geb, the Egyptian God of Earth. "Weird that a stand called after the Earth God controls water, but that's just shitty branding from a Brando... Which is also ironic-" Noriaki used to laugh to himself at this thought. After the incident, Noriaki had been staying at a hospital in Aswan, along with Abdul, who had also been injured but recovered faster. But now he was out as well & had travelled all the way to Luxor to meet up with his friends once again, the problem being, how was he going to find them when they could be anywhere in the Egyptian city?

-... Nori? –Noriaki suddenly heard that voice. That deep voice that called for him. He took the scarf from his face before talking.

-... Jojo? –Noriaki asked back, but suddenly he was cut off.

A strange looking man fell right out of a window yelling "You're such a bad boy!" & hit the ground right between them. The man had jingle bells in his hair & his face was covered in bloody cuts, like he had been sliced through with scissors. He also had a hole pierced side to side in his nose bridge.

-Sir! Are you alright? –Noriaki quickly approached the man on the floor. Looking at his face, he felt shivers going up his spine. He didn't recognise him, but something about him seemed off, as if the man oozed an evil essence. It could almost be scene in his eyes. Jotaro, on the other hand, stood still, far from the injured man.

-Someone falling from a window covered in blood...! You don't see that every day. –That was all the tall teen had to say. The man on the ground was trembling out of what Noriaki assumed was sheer shock. It was quite the fall, after all. What Noriaki didn't remember was that this man was Alessi, another one of DIO's Nine Glory Gods & the user of Sethan, a stand that took years away from people's lives when they touched his shadow, named after the good of storms & chaos, fitting for the sheer evil being Alessi was. He was planning on turning Jotaro into a child & killing him as soon as he could, but he didn't expect Noriaki to show up as well. He knew Noriaki wasn't aware of who he was, so he would have to play dumb to get away from this. Alessi slowly stood up & Noriaki did as well. Suddenly, Alessi clasped his hands together & started whining, which threw both Noriaki & Jotaro off.

-... Oh no! My boss is going to be so very angry with me when he finds out! There I was, cleaning the window & I suddenly slipped & fell through! What am I going to do? What am I going to do? I'm in so much trou-

- Hold it right there, you frizzy haired freak show! –Alessi was suddenly cut off by a high pitched voice coming from the window he fell from. Both Noriaki & Jotaro looked up quickly & they were met by a bizarre image. A kid, not older than two years old was yelling from the window at the injured man. The kid had grey hair styled into a flat top, freckles in his face & an earring shaped like the right half of a broken heart in his right ear. The kid looked at both Noriaki & Jotaro. "It's them! God damn it, I still can't remember their names, but I know they can help me fight this creep!"-Hey, mister from before! & the twink looking one, too! What were their names again? C'mon, what were they? Uh...

-... Did that toddler just call me twink? –Noriaki got suddenly interrupted.

-Now's my chance! I was waiting for Polnareff to poke his annoying little head out. –

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