The World, part 2: Brothers in Arms

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Jotaro could perceive blinding white lights through his eyelids. Trying to open them hurt for a bit, until he got used to it.

-What... What is going on? –

-Jotaro! –Doctors jumped into his field of vision from all around him with surprise. He was beginning to put two & two together as to why he was in a hospital when a couple minutes ago he was dealing with DIO in the middle of Egypt when one of the doctors spoke up over the murmur of their colleagues. Their voice was caring but strong. –You've been passed out for the last couple minutes. We're taking care of Kakyoin: with enough care, he'll be back on his feet in no time. Polnareff is waiting outside so you both can go aid Mr. Joestar on his fight. Do you think you can do it?

All the past events flooding back into his memory hit Jotaro like a truck, as he just nodded, got up, looked back at a bed ridden Noriaki, still passed out, & kicked the door open, revealing, once again, the Egyptian streets that had turned into a battlefield. No doctor dared to stop him or say anything else before he left. There was Polnareff, waiting for him.

-Ready to finish this? –Polnareff got no answer to this question as Jotaro just sprinted past him, retracing his steps back to where his grandfather was. The night seemed endless as it only got darker as time passed & the closer they got to where Joseph was. When they finally got there, the scene was desolating:

The streetlights flickered around them as it was reflected on the small blood puddles around Joseph Joestar's body, now laying on the floor, with DIO's fingers buried deep into the now pale & blood-stained skin of the old man's neck. It wasn't palpable but if it was, expansive waves of stand energy would repeatedly leave DIO's body, as the Joestar blood in Joseph's veins ran through his own. It took DIO a short while to realize the other two had arrived & when he did, he lifted his fingers from Joseph's neck, to show them covered in blood, licking the red substance off them as he spoke in light-hearted, burlesque demeanour.

-Well look what the dessert wind dragged in! An over-confident Frenchman, & a seventeen year-old. You arrive just in time, after all... -DIO pointed at Jotaro, his long, sharp nails showing a shade of black under the red blood. His tone turned threatening. – I'm still missing one Joestar to be able to fully control this body. –DIO's laugh resonated & echoed all around the street. -... You have got to be kidding me.

When DIO was done laughing, Jotaro had already sprinted away again. As he ran away & DIO followed behind him, Jotaro turned back & quickly nodded at Polnareff, who nodded back when the boy was already gone.

-Why the hell am I this family's assigned errand boy now?! –Complained Polnareff, carrying Joseph's body back to the ambulance.

-... Polnareff? -

-Kakyoin?! –Polnareff quickly placed Joseph on one of the beds in the ambulance.

-Is that Mr. Joestar? What is going on? –Noriaki was barely able to speak or stand up, with a constant hand on the big blood stain on his gakuran. Answers had to wait until Polnareff was done hugging the redheaded teenager. –Augh! Polnareff, that hurts! –The Frenchman softened his grip just about enough not to break any more of Noriaki's bones. Noriaki was frozen for a few seconds before hugging back. -... Polnareff, what is happening? Where's Jotaro? –He quickly glanced at Joseph on the bed. -& what the hell happened to Mr. Joestar?

Polanreff took a deep breath before blurting out the answer:

-Mr. Joestar told us to call these guys from the Speedwagon Foundation to take care of you 'cause DIO attacked you, when we knew you were safe we ran back to Mr. Joestar & DIO, but turns out that bastard was sucking the old man dry out of his blood (apparently he needs Joestar blood to control his body? Not even I get it-) so Jotaro sent me back so they can take care of Mr. Joestar, but turns out you're better & I'm just so damn relieved right now! –Polnareff breathed out & sat on the floor of the ambulance, catching his breathe. He noticed Noriaki, angrily glaring at him. -... What is it?

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