The start

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“Na-Naruto.” Hinata whisper as tears were streaming down her face.

Flash back

Today Hinata was going to ask her boyfriend Naruto why he didn’t have enough time for her. Every time she asks Naruto to hang out with her, he would have an excuse. He would say, “I am too tired” or “ maybe later”. She would always believe him because he is her boyfriend after all. Whenever she gets suspicious she would always think ‘ If you can’t trust your boyfriend who would trust’. Today she has a very good reason why she is going to ask him, because today is the anniversary for dating 2 months. She wonders why he would date someone like her, gloomy, quiet, ugly and shy Hinata. When he is the opposite of her, sunny, bright and playful. She is going to find out why he isn’t hanging out with her. When she saw him she feels like the world had frozen. She was numb, couldn’t feel anything at all. It feels like the world had stop. All of this is a nightmare. But she knew that this is no nightmare, it is real.

End of Flash back

Hinata couldn’t believe her eyes. In front of her Naruto was kissing Haruno Sakura, the smartest, bright and the hottest girl in the school. Hinata thought that Naruto would be faithful to her but she was wrong. After witnessing that, Hinata wordlessly turn and run like she had never run before. She didn’t know where she was going but she kept on running. As Hinata run the rain begin to pour, but she didn’t care as the rain soak her uniform. Hinata ignoring the burning in her knees and she kept on running. She arrive at her sacred place where there was no one to judge or cheat on her. It was a place where she can be herself. It also sacred because someone special had shown it to her, but she couldn’t remember who it is. She could remember his onyx eyes though. His eye was hypnotic and intense. He would always cheer her up whenever her father belittling her or when her cousin would bully her or when her family would scorn her. Even though he would act a little mean, he was a nice person.

She didn’t know when she fell asleep but when she woke up the sun was setting. Even if she were to go home late, no one would care anywhere.

 As soon as she got home she would hear her father talking to her sister about the company, or school. Her father would show her sister more attention and emotion. With her he would only show disappointed, or angry emotion. Her father would choose her sister over her. Hinata was not surprise to see that no one was looking for her. She went into her bedroom and collapse on to her bed staring at the celling thinking about her life.

 The next morning Hinata didn’t want to get up, why would you when your boyfriend cheated on you?  As soon as she thought that a maid knock on her door. “Oujo-sama, Hizashi-sama has summoned you. Please come quickly.” Ayame whispered. “Arigatou, Ayame-san, c-can y-you tell f-father that I am c-coming.” Stuttered out Hinata.

“F-father, y-you c-called m-me.” Hinata couldn’t help stuttering as her father was very is very intimidating. “Where were you last night?” Hizashi asked calmly. “I had a very important quest came over and didn’t I tell you to come home early?” Hizashi said emotionlessly. “S-sorry f-father. I-it w-will n-not h-happen a-again.” “That is what you always say, you only disappoint me. You also fail at being an heiress. Your strong point is being a housewife. I have decided that you are to marry into the Uchiha family.” Hizashi said without any emotion in his voice.   

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