A request

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, the only thing that I own is the plot.

A/N sorry for the long wait there wasn't a day were I was free to write a new chapter. I might not be able to update every week, I know I am breaking my promises, but it can't be helped. There isn't even a day for myself. Anyway enough with the rambling, here is the new chapter. 

Last chapter: The warmth retracted. Hinata missed the warmth.Never had she ever felt like this before, even with Naruto. Sasuke cleared histhroat. Hinata finally realized that they were standing in the corridor, andthey also need to get lunch. Blood started to go towards her face, making herface very hot and very red.

 The first thing Hinata and Sasuke heard as soon as they walked in the cafeteria was Naruto talking loudly with his friends. "Oh, Hina-chan, come here." Naruto yelled across the room while waving wildly. Hinata simply smile sadly at Naruto and goes to where Temari and Tenten were eating their lunch. "Temari-chan, Tenten-chan, may I sit here?" "You don't even need to ask Hina-chan." "Yep, Tenten's right, you are our precious tomodachi after all." Hinata stared at them with amazement and the next thing, Hinata started to sob. That's right I have friends that I can count on. I am not alone anymore. "Hinata-chan your not suppose to cry when some one tells you that you have friend." Temari said smiling softly. "That's right Hinata-chan." Tenten said patting Hinata on the head. "H-Hai, a-arigatou m-mina." Hinata smiled, rubbing the tears off her face. "By the way where is that Uchiha?" Tenten asked. "S-Sasuke, i-is r-right h-he... Ehh! W-Where i-is S-Sasuke?" Hinata asked looking around. While Hinata was panicking, the same thought ran through Temari and Tenten. No Honorific with the Uchiha. Tenten and Temari made eye contact and nodded to each other. "Anyway I want to-" The girls screaming interrupted Temari half way through her talking. "Sasuke-kunnn! Come sit here!" Sasuke was in the middle of the girls trying to push through the fan-girls to get to Hinata and her friends. "T-There is S-Sasuke." Hinata said waving happily, but the look on Sasuke face made Hinata instantly put her hand down. If look could kill then Hinata would be 6 feet under. The glare on Sasuke's handsome face was so scary, even the bravest person would cower in fear, and that glare, was directed at Hinata. Hinata was like a deer caught in a headlight. Hinata started wondering what she should do next. Hinata looked at Tenten and Temari for help but they were in a heated conversation, which leads Hinata to a hopeless situation. Oh Kami-sama, what should I do? I didn't do anything, oh kami-sama. Before Hinata could do anything, Sasuke was already sitting next to Hinata. "Baka! Why did you leave me there? I couldn't find you! You're such an air head you know that..." Sasuke sentence trailed off when he noticed that Hinata had tears on her face. "G-Gomen-nasai, I-I d-didn't m-mean t-to l-leave y-you, h-hontouni g-gomen-nasai." Hinata cried, tears running down her cheeks. Hinata doesn't know why she started crying, it feels like she was disappointing someone very precious, more precious than her family. Hinata felt a hand on her head patting her. Hinata slowly looked up and gasped, his eyes look like the person she treasures the most. His eyes are exactly like the person with the onyx eyes, intense and hypnotic. It feels intimate even though they are just staring into each other's eye. That was when Naruto interrupted them. "You made Sakura cry and now Hinata, what is your problem teme?" Naruto shouted at Sasuke. Hinata notices that everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at them. With the eyes of many people looking at her direction Hinata felt self-conscious. Naruto grabbed Sasuke's uniform. Naruto turned to look at Hinata but she was already picking up her stuff and was about to get off her seat. "Hinata where are you going? Teme did something to you right? You need to have a backbone Hinata, don't be afraid to talk back." Naruto said still not letting go off Sasuke's uniform. When Naruto uttered those words Hinata froze instantly. H-How dare he insult me when he is the one who is a coward? He could tell me that he doesn't love me, or at least break up with me! "B-Baka N-Naruto." "What did you say Hinata, I couldn't quite catch that." Naruto said tilting his head at Hinata direction. " N-Nothing, n-nothing a-at a-all." With that Hinata quickly walk away from Naruto. "Let go off me dobe." Sasuke said coldly. Naruto growled a bit then he slowly let go off Sasuke's uniform. Not a moment later Sasuke followed the way Hinata went. "Aren't you supposed to follow your girlfriend instead?" One of Naruto's friend asked. Naruto just stared at Sasuke's retreating back. Naruto felt something in his heart but he dismissed it. Tenten and Temari went to Naruto. "One day you will lose Hinata with the way you're treating her." "Yeah Temari's is right. You will lose the best thing that happened to you." Tenten added. "What the hell you guys, Hinata wouldn't break up with me. She isn't that kind of person!" Naruto yelled at them.

"Matte, Hyuuga-san." Sasuke said as he got to the stairs that leads to the rooftop. "W-What i-is i-it S-Sasuke?" Hinata asked looking at Sasuke. At that same time the wind went by Hinata making her hair sway. At the sight of the sun shinning on Hinata makes her more angelic and pure. What stand out the most was her eyes which were white with a purple tint in them, that picture of Hinata stand there, will forever be imprinted in Sasuke's heart and mind. Sasuke just realized that he was staring a little bit too long. Sasuke cleared his throat. "Can you repeat that?" Sasuke asked. "I-I s-said w-what d-do y-you w-want S-Sasuke?" Hinata repeated her question. "Ah, well you suddenly ran out of the cafeteria." Sasuke said uncaringly. Hinata started to cry harder. "I-I a-am p-pathetic a-aren't I-I? I-I a-am a-always c-crying, I-I a-am p-pathetic. "If you think you are pathetic then why don't you try to change yourself? Do you not have the will to stand up? Don't you want everyone to notice you? If you are giving up then you are pathetic." Sasuke said coldly. Every word that Sasuke had said hits Hinata like knifes. "You know, you don't have to keep the feelings to yourself there's friends that would be very happy to listen. You are not alone in this world." Sasuke said standing next Hinata, looking over the oval were the students are playing soccer. Hinata stared at Sasuke with admiration. Now that Hinata thinks about it, there isn't anything that she had done wrong, she was faithful to Naruto to the very end. "S-Sasuke, t-there i-is s-something t-that I-I w-want, n-no s-something t-that I-I n-need y-you t-to h-help m-me w-with . . .


P.S I also want to apologizes for the mistake that I made in previous chapters and also the mistake that I might be making in the future.

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