Chapter 8: Eviction Notice

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The Forrest


It was the middle of the day and Y/N was on his way to a town where he would spend some of his money from the last job he took. That job being putting a group of bandits in their place after they thought they could get away with taking over a hunters guild base. Now Y/N had collected on that reward decided to enjoy himself before he went back out there to prepare for the first wave. As Y/N walked down the road he noticed something up ahead, it appeared to be a carvan of some sort. He saw people walking around and looking distraught, so he decided to see what the matter was.


"Hello there, is there something I can do to help?" I asked the people next to the carvan

When one of them looked up and over at me, I saw that he looked completely like a wolf of some sort. That meant that he was a demihuman, I hadn't met one of those yet.

"Please don't hurt us" the wolf demihuman said

"Oh don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, I actually wanted to see if I could help with whatever is troubling you" I said trying to not seem threatening

The wolf demihuman calmed down when he saw my revolver hanging from hip

"Ah, its the Cannon Hero, I am sorry to have mistaken you for a common slave trader" the demihuman said

"You deal with a lot of those around here?" I asked

"Unfortunately, that is why my family and I are leaving our village and heading to Shieldfreeden" he answered solemly

"Well I am sorry that you have to do that" I said

The man looked over at his caravan

"Do not worry he is the Cannon Hero, he won't hurt us" he said

Suddenly a woman with wolf ears and a tail stepped out of the carvan with a baby in her arms as two small children ran out. One was a boy and looked more human while the other was a girl and looked more animal.

"This your family?" I asked

"Yes, this is my wife Yasmina and these are my two children Wulfric and Luna, that is my youngest Loba, I am Fenris" he answered introducing his family to me

"Well I'm Y/N and it looks like you already know who I am" I said

"Yes, you are very well known, the Cannon Hero, the hero of the people, the uniter of common folk and a few other titles and names" the Fenris said

"Geesh, I didn't know I had that many" I said

"Well when those who've come before you have toppled dictators and united people against dictators and such, a reputation and whole lot of expectations tend to follow" Fenris said

"Dear, I don't think we should keep the hero's time with small talk" Yasmina said

"Yeah papa, the hero probably has to go and fight monsters or something" Wulfric said to his father

"Ah yes, I am sorry if I rambled" Fenris said

"Don't worry about it, I honestly came over to help you folks out" I said

"You would? Thank you much hero" Yasmina said

"My wife is right thank you very much" Fenris said

"Please, drop the whole hero thing, you can call me Y/N, I haven't earned the title of hero yet" I said to them

"I understand Y/N" Fenris said

"Now, what exactly do you need help with?" I asked

"While driving down the road, we hit something and our axle broke, two of our wheels fell off in the process" Yasmina answered

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