Chapter 10: The First Wave

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Castle Town


The time was coming and I decided to head back to the Castle Town before the start of the first wave. I figured with some time before the start of the wave, I could sell some of my materials that I had collected, maybe stock up on some necessary supplies but before I did any of that, there was someone I wanted to see. The old man at the tailor shop, I figured it had been some time since I last saw him. I wanted to see how he had been doing since the last time we met. Hopefully he hadn't left the country like he said he would the last time I saw him.

As I walked through the street to the tailor shop, I made sure to keep my head down and avoid people. I may have been stronger since the last time I was here, I still didn't want there to be problems with people who weren't my biggest fans. Besides all of that, I made sure to keep a hood on and my face covered. Eventually I got to the tailor shop and I noticed that something was off with the place. The lights weren't on and the windows were boarded up, it honestly seemed like the place was ransacked and was out of business.

I did however notice a note that was placed on the door along with the chains that held it close. I grabbed the note and read what it said on it.

"By Order Of The King Of Melromarc
This establishment has been here by ordered to close and give all assets to the king and the kingdom
The owner of said establishment must either face banishment from the country or imprisonment indefinitely by order of crimes committed"

"That bastard" I said in anger as I crumpled up the note

As I walked away, I accidentally tripped over something, looking to see what it was, I saw a mat in front of the door. I looked down and saw that something was underneath the mat. I flipped it up and saw what looked like a key, not just any key but a key to the door of the store. Not wanting to waste any time, I grabbed the key, before I unlocked and opened the door, I shot the chain off, looking around to make sure no one heard or saw me. With the chain off, I used the key to unlock the door and then I opened it.

Castle Town Tailor Shop

Inside the place looked even more rundown then it did outside, everything was gone and the light didn't work. I looked around and didn't seem to find anything. That was until I walked over to the counter and saw something sticking out of what looked like a secret cabinet. I went over and opened it and found a wooden box sitting in the cabinet. Taking it out I saw that it was the same box the old man used to give me my shadow scarf in. Opening the box, I saw that inside was a pair of bracers.

They weren't just any bracers, they appear to be made of leather and had feathers on it. They also had griffons on both of them, I noticed a streak of some sort above the griffons.

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