Cassie Monroe

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My name is Cassie Monroe who you probably don't know but you should know my cousin. His name is Scott McCall and we are polar opposites... literally. He has brown hair, I have blonde hair. He believes in love, I don't. He has a loving mother and father, I don't. We obviously have a few things in common but he's distant and he shuts me out whenever he is with his friends.

I moved from mystic falls about a year ago because my brother, Tyler Lockwood, sent me away. I was adopted by the Lockwood's but they never changed my name. Scott was okay at first. Him and Stiles went out most of the time and I swear I heard Scott scream once which to this day I have no idea what happened but at least then he involved me. He asked me to help Lydia translate this mythology text that was in Archaic Latin because I took a few lessons.

Mellisa is amazing though. I found out she was my biological aunt and that's why I was sent here. At least that's what I think. Apparently her and my father were siblings until he was murdered by my mother. Melissa said she went rogue and randomly attacked him. My mothers last name was Monroe.

"Cassie, your phone has been ringing non stop. It's your brother," Melissa says walking into my room and I whisper a thanks and take the phone and answer it.

"Hey big bro. What's up?" I say cheerfully.

"I- I just wanted to check in. You'll be expecting Hayley to call and I want you to ignore her please," Tyler says reluctantly.

"But she's my friend so no I won't ignore her. Did you get involved with her?" I ask quite angrily.

"You wouldn't understand Cass," Tyler says getting slightly frustrated.

"Well explain it so I do understand," I demand.

"All you need to know is that I'm trying to protect you," Tyler sighs.

"From what exactly though. What happened to no lies? Is there something your not telling me Tyler," I ask.

"N-no," he stammers and I hang up the phone and Melissa hugs me.

"Maybe you should listen to your brother," Melissa suggests and sits on the bed next to me.

"Hayley hasn't given me a reason not to trust her though and I'm not going to listen to anymore lies. He's keeping something from me and I don't like it. Hell, even Scott does," I sigh dramatically.

"Scott keeps stuff from you to keep you safe," Melissa defends.

"But what if I don't need to be protected. I'm seventeen and- and..," I trail off and all I see is water. It wasn't just the seeing though, it felt like I was drowning and I couldn't get out. Like I was forced to stay under.

Melissa was in front of me with a bucket as I threw up plain water into it and she looked worried.

"Are you okay?" She asks and I nod weakly.

"It's been happening for over a week now," I admit and quietly fall asleep on the bed.

"Cassie?" A voice wakes me up and I slowly open my eyes to see Allison and Scott sat at the end of my bed.

"What's up?" I ask groggily.

"Mom told me that you think we are keeping stuff from you so we just wanted to clarify that we are not," Scott says and I sigh and pick up my phone to see a message from Hayley.

You'll find out soon but I wanted you to know that I needed to know who my family are x

"I don't think, I know you are," I say and sit up.

"We keep these things to protect you," Allison says.

"Aren't you meant to be with Issac?" I ask Allison confused.

"Crap. I'm late. See you Scott. See you Cassie," Allison says and rushes out.

"Allison is right. We keep things to protect you," Scott says and hugs me but I push him away and he sits on the edge of my bed.

"I don't need protecting. I wanna go home Scott but Tyler is keeping things from me like you are at this moment. What's so bad that you have to shut me out?" I ask with a sigh.

"There have been sacrifices going on. Three specifically and I just want to keep you safe," Scott says.

"My friend Elena was kidnapped and the person who kidnapped her was killed by the person they were going to give her to. I'm pretty sure I can handle a few sacrifices," I say and Scott nods.

"This town has some weird stuff going off so can we please just be normal again?" Scott asks and I nod reluctantly.

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