Ezra- Why

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Ezra's point of view: We walk into the base, shortly after getting a call from Rex about a mission. 

"What's so important that you had to bring us all the back here?" Kanan asked.

 Ahsoka was in front of us as a hologram through a hologram transmitter. 

"Ahsoka? I thought you were supposed to be back by now?" I asked. 

"I'm dealing with something at the moment and I need your help." She responded.

 "With what?" Hera asked. 

"A goddaughter of a senator, a close friend of mine, is being kept in a prison aboard a ship, along with other rebels. It's on its way to Coruscant." Ahsoka explained. "How are we supposed to free her and the Rebels with a heavy Empire blockade waiting for us?" Hera asked. "You won't have to. The ships taking a checkpoint with another ship. You would have just enough time to sneak onboard and sneak off" Ahsoka answered. "Alright, we'll be on our way." Hera complied. "Kanan,... she might be like us, a force user." Ahsoka warned. Kanan nodded. 

Readers point of view: I will ask you one more time, where are your other rebel associates?" The imperial officer questioned.

  "I told you, I don't know, because I DON'T HAVE ANY!" You yelled back at him. 

You were questioned hours on end with the same questions, but different phrasing. "Then why did we find a bomb in your backpack along with plans to blow up an oil factory?" He questioned you further. "I don't know. Someone set me up." You said, telling the truth. 

When you were leaving the academy that day some kid brushed past you rudely, but you didn't think anything of it, now you understood that that kid must have slipped the plans and bomb into your bag. "Agent Kallus, I didn't do it, I swear." You pleaded. 

"Are you sure she's the one we're looking for?" Agent Kallus asked the agent beside him, looking at you with guilt.

 "We will figure out the truth one way or another." He concluded, pressing a few buttons on the machine in front of you, then proceeding to walk out of the room with Agent Kallus behind him. "You two keep watch of her." You heard the agent say outside of your cell. The machine hummed to life with electricity all around you and suddenly, you felt excruciating pain all over your body. You screamed out in pain only hoping someone would help you.        

Once the pain stopped you looked over to see two stormtroopers and one of them had a keycard for the room.

  Reality kicked in. The chances of someone coming to rescue you were very slim. You were just a student and the goddaughter of Lux Bonteri. Nothing less and nothing more. You've been in tune with the force for most of your life but never used it, might as well try now. So, you rummage through your memories to try and remember the Jedi move that your godfather told you about, the one where his Jedi "friend" was able to convince someone to do what she said. You think her name was Ahtoka? No, Ahsoka Tano.  

"Hey." You Beckoned the one with the keycard. 

"Shut up you little-" The stormtrooper started to walk towards you. You lift your hand to his face. "You will let me go." You ordered. "What did you just say to me?" The stormtrooper asked. "You will let me go." You ordered again, focusing a bit more. "What makes you think that-" "You will let me go." You ordered, putting all of your energy and focus into the command. "I will let you go." The stormtrooper repeated. "You will give me your keycard and forget this ever happened. You ordered, waving your hand in front of his face. "I will give you my keycard and forget this ever happened." The stormtrooper complied.

  Wait, you actually did it, you were able to do the Jedi thing!

  You checked the other stormtrooper and he seemed to be under the trance too. The door slides open only for you to see another stormtrooper and a stormtrooper aid.  

Ezra's point of view: The door slides open and a pretty girl was on the other side. She had nice shiny hair and expensive clothes.

 "You will not call for help." She said waving her hand in front of me and Kanan.

 "That won't work on us." Kanan said, taking off his helmet to reveal a friendly face under. I do the same.

 "We're here to rescue you. My names Kanan and his name is Ezra." I told her.

 Kanan facepalmed. "My name is Kanan and his name is Ezra, the not-so-bright one." Kanan explained. "Hey!" I said. "Okay, we need to move." Kanan ordered. We started to run back to the ship, but find a group of stormtroopers waiting for us. "Go back." Kannan ordered. We ran back only to find another group of stormtroopers waiting for you at gunpoint. "Take her and find an exit!" Kanan ordered. I took her hand and ran down a corridor. "Is he going to be okay?" She asked. "Don't worry. He'll be fine." I assured her, stopping right below a vent. "We can go up there. I'll help you up." I told her. She nodded and I lifted her up. She jumped and went into the vent. I jumped up and meet her. We weaved through the vents and drop down in front of a door. "This has to be where the other prisoners are." I said to myself. 

I press the button to the door and it opens. Two rebels were behind it and two kids.  "Who are you?" The man asked. "doesn't matter. We're here to help, just follow me." I told them. "Hera, get the ship ready, we're coming." I told her. "Okay, but hurry. We don't have that much time." She warned me.

We run through the halls and run into Agent Kallus. "Kallus." I said, pulling out my lightsaber to challenge him. Kanan rounded the corner and stopped. "No time, we need to leave now!" Kanan ordered. We heard stormtrooper boots stomping this way. We run away and I hear Kallus yell "They went that way!" The stomping seems to get farther away, but I wasn't sure. We made it back to the ghost and meet up with Sabine and Zeb and run onto the ghost. We speed out of the ship and go into hyperspace.

Reader's point of view: You were sitting in the lobby of the ghost, eating some microwaved food Hera gave you. You looked over to see the blue-haired boy from before, Ezra, talking to some of the people he saved. You weren't going to lie, he was cute. You were happy that he was your rescuer. He smiles at you and walks over to where you're sitting.

"How's the food?" He asked.

 "It's good. Your friend, Hera is nice." You replied. "Yeah, she is. So, I didn't catch your name." He said. "My name is (N)." You answered. "what are you going to do now?" He asked. "I.. don't know. My family probably doesn't know what happened. They might think I'm dead." You answered. "Well, if you don't have anywhere to go, I think Hera and Kanan would let you stay." He suggested. "And I'd like you stay, at least for a bit longer." Ezra added. "I'd like that too." You agreed, smiling at him. "Ah, I noticed the move you were trying to do back on the ship. Me and Kanan are Jedi, so I can teach you what know so far." He offered. "I would like that very much." You obliged. 

Ezra put a bowl on the table. "Watch and learn." He said with a smirk. He closes his eyes and with a wave of his hand he lifts the bowl. He waves his hand again and drops the bowl. "Now, you try." He urged. You step forward anclose your eyes. You lift your hand, focusing entirely on making the bowl float. You raise your hand and peek. You open your eyes and see the bowl floating. "Yes." You celebrated. The bowl dropped immediately. "What happened?" You asked him. "You need to keep your focus all the way through, but other than that you did great." Ezra praised you. 

"(N), Someone wants to talk to you." Hera informed you.

 You stood up and walked into a separate room with your godfather, Lux Bonter waiting for you as a hologram. 

"Hello, (N). We need to talk."

 "I'm guessing you heard about what happened to me." You figured. "Yes, and I'm glad the ghost crew was able to get you away safely." He expressed. "So where can I go? Can I go home?" You blurted out. "I don't think it's safe for you to go home. I think the safest thing for you is to stay with the ghost crew, if they're okay with it." He suggested. "Of course she can. You'll fit in just fine." Hera accepted. "Thank you, Hera." He thanked her. "I have to go now, but I'll call to check in on you every six rotations." He said before ending the call. You ran out of the room, hugged Ezra and kissed him on the cheek. "I get to stay!" You excitedly told him. "Tha-, That's great!" He said, stumbling over his words with blush highlighted on his cheeks.

You look over to the window and see that the ghost has landed on a planet. "Come on! You urged him, Pulling on his arm. "Why?" He asked. "You have more Jedi stuff to teach me." You replied, pulling him out of the ghost to show you more Jedi abilities.

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