Captain Rex-So long ago

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"Hello, Captain Rex." You greeted.

"Good morning, (N)." Rex greeted you back with a smile. You poured a cup of coffee for both you and Rex. Rex smiled at you. "Thank you." "Mhmm." You replied, walking past Zeb to go to your room.

For the past week, you've been avoiding Rex, and you're starting to run out of excuses. You felt horrible about it. It wasn't out of malice though, you were doing it to keep true to that Jedi code you promised to, all those years ago. 

*More than sixteen years ago* You entered the communications room and see, Rex, still working. "Captain, I thought I told you to get some rest." You said in a jokingly stern way. Rex chuckled. "Just have a few more reports to do." "That's what you said an hour ago." You replied. "I promise I'll get some rest after this work gets done." Rex promised. "How about this? I'll help you, only if you promise to get some rest tomorrow, no staying up late for work." You urged. "Alright, I promise." Rex replied with a smile.

"I think that's everything." You said. Another hour had passed of reports and data checking, but it was worth it to give Rex some rest. "Now, Captain. I think it's time for some long-needed rest." You reminded.

 "Agreed, but I have to ask you something first." Rex said. "Yes." You answered. "Why do you always stay up later to check on me?" He asked. "I have to make sure my Captain is on his A-game and he can't do that if he insists on staying up." You answered. "But, why me? why no one else?" Rex asked further. "Because no one else stays up like you. I would help Fives or Hardcase, but they never write reports, and Kix finishes early." You replied.

"You're pretty much the backbone of the 501st and I appreciate you staying awake to clean up everyone else's work." You added. 

Rex looks away from you and you swore there was a hint of blush on his cheeks. "Thank you, General." 

You move your hand over his. Rex looks at you with wide eyes and you go to move your hand after seeing his shocked face. "Oh, sorry." Rex stops you and holds your hand. "Don't be." Rex moves his other hand to cup your cheek. He comes closer to you and just stops in front of your face. He doesn't move closer to you, waiting for your next move. Despite, your conscience telling you not to, you press your lips to his. His lips felt soft against yours, making it easy to push back any unnecessary thoughts. You pressed closer to Rex, making the kiss deeper. The kiss seemed to escalate more until you pulled away. "I shouldn't have done that." "Did I do something wrong?" Rex asked with a worried expression. "No, You didn't do anything wrong. It felt good, that's the problem... This was just a mistake." "Oh." Rex said. You could hear the hurt in his voice. 

You walk towards the door and stop right in front of it. "I think it would be best for both of us to forget this ever happened. You have your code and I have mine. We should go back to the way things were and pretend this never happened." "If that's what you want." Rex responded with a hint of hope in his tone. "It is." You lied. It wasn't what you wanted, but it was what you had to do. You walked out and from there you kept your distance from Rex, taking missions your master tasked you with. When you returned to the 501st you only spoke with Rex when it was necessary to. It broke your heart, but you persevered.

*The present* You were walking past, Rex, who was training Ezra to shoot a blaster. He spots you and tries to wave you over. You see him and walk faster away from him. You run towards your room and stopped by a hand on your shoulder. "Hey,... Slow down." Rex urged you, huffing. "What is it." You asked. "I thought that after the war and after you found me with the ghost crew, we could be together, but you've been avoiding me and giving me short answers and I think I know why.  You turn nervously towards Rex. "You don't have to worry about the chip. Ahsoka helped me cut it out." "I know. It isn't about you." You said, turning away. "Then what is it about?" He asked, moving his hand to yours. "It's about me." You admitted, before leaving.

You meditate on the floor smelling the scented candles you lit. You hear a loud knock on the door. "Come in." You said, with still closed eyes. Kanan walks in and sits opposite of you. "Yes, Kanan?" "I wanted to talk to you about Rex." He responded. "About what?" You asked. "Your relationship." He answered. Your eyes go wide open as you stare at Kanan. "I know you two had something. I just wanted to tell you that there is a way to love and keep your Jedi faith." Kanan walks out of the room while your mouth hangs agape. 

Some time has passed since Kanan was in your room and you hear yet another knock on your door. "Come in." You said. The door slides open and you see Ahsoka with a smile on her face. "Ahsoka? What do you need?" You asked. "Oh, I don't need anything, but I think I can give you something you need." Ahsoka suggested. "What?" you asked. "Advice." Ahsoka simply said. "What is with everyone trying to give me advice?" You asked rhetorically. "Did someone else come in here?" Ahsoka asked. "Yeah, Kanan. With some advice about me and Rex." You told her. "Funnily enough, I have advice about the same thing." Ahsoka admitted. "How does everyone know about me and Rex?" "You two couldn't make it more obvious." Ahsoka said with a smirk. "I'm surprised that the two of you aren't together yet." Ahsoka added. "It's more complicated than it looks." You remarked. "Explain it to me then." Ahsoka proposed. "I want to be with him, more than anything, but I can't betray my faith. Even if the Jedi order is gone, we are it's legacy and we have to uphold it's values." You admitted. "It has become clearer as time passes by, that the Jedi were not as perfect as they seemed along with they're values. We can learn from it and move on." Ahsoka explained. "You can be in love and find balance. Both of you deserve that happiness." Ahsoka added. "With the way I've treated him, I wouldn't be surprised if his love for me has faded." You admitted. "After all these years, that flame he has for you stayed burning, since Geonosis for him. It has only grown stronger over time." Ahsoka told you. "He said that?" You asked. "Yes. Now go out there and tell him how you feel." Ahsoka urged you. You ran out in search of Rex, Ahsoka smiling behind you.

You knock on Rex's door, impatiently waiting for him to open it. The door slides open and Rex's surprised face meet you on the other side. "I need to talk to you." You said. "Ok." Rex responded, letting you into his room. He turns his back on you and starts to work on something. 

"I know I've been acting cold and awful to you and I don't blame you if you never want to talk to me again. I pushed you away for so long, avoiding you and finding excuses. Because more than anything I liked the feeling I got around you and I like myself better when I'm with you. I thought it was wrong as a Jedi to feel that way with you or anyone. I just wanted to tell you, I loved you, even back then and I haven't stopped, but it's okay if you stopped loving me." You confessed. Rex looked at you with shock. He cups your cheek and kisses your forehead. "I never stopped loving you." You look up at him and smile. 

"I actually have something for you." Rex stated. He went over to where he was working and pulls out two photos in frames. One of them had you, Fives, Ahsoka, Anakin and Rex. The other one caught most of your attention. It had you and your Master, Plo koon. Your eyes brim with tears and you wipe them away. You wrap your arms around Rex and hug him. "This is the sweetest gift anyone has ever given me." You admitted. "All I ask for in return is your happiness and love." Rex remarked. "That, I can do."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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