Chapter 2

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You exit the bedroom and instantly feel eyes on you as you approach the staircase.

You're showered and changed into borrowed clothes, Wanda had argued it wasn't fair to interrogate you while you were covered in your own dried blood.

You had to admit, you were glad she did.  The hot water had helped clear your head and removed the fog.  You knew these people, The Avengers, you'd seen them on the news.

You reached the bottom of the stairs and Wanda stood, motioning to a seat at the kitchen table.  You sit without argument and look at the faces in front of you...

Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers and the red head, Natasha Romanoff.

Her eyes meet yours and you look away while remembering how familiar she had felt on the roof top.

"So" Stark begins "let's get things straight..."

"Tony" Wanda glares at him.

You take a breath, find your voice...
"It's OK, I'll answer, if I can.  I mean I probably don't have the answers you want but I'll try."

"How about starting with who you are?" Rogers asks.

"I would but I don't honestly know.  I'm Y/N Y/L/N or at least that's what they called me, I dont remember anything from before they had me"

"They?" Rogers asks.

"The guys from the roof, the people they work for, they were..."

"HYDRA, they were HYDRA" Stark interrupts. "What do they want with you"

"My power, they wanted to use my power, to control my power or to take it maybe, I'm not sure. "

"Where did your power come from?"

"I don't know, maybe I was born this way, maybe they gave it to me, I don't know"

"How long were you with them?"

"I don't know..."

"How did you escape?"

"Someone helped me, they got me out and we ran.  I've been running ever since."

"Where were they keeping you?"

"I don't remember"

"TRY HARDER" Tony raises his voice "Who got you out?"

"A friend, one of them wh..."

"Where are they now?"

"Dead. I'm alone, she's dead.  They killed her because of me and now I'm alone."  You feel tears building in your eyes.

"Stark" Natasha interrupts while rising from her seat.  On your other side you're aware of Wanda also standing.  "That's enough".

"This is my compound, Romanoff, if she wants to stay she will answer the questions"

"She doesn't have the answers Tony, I was in her head, she isn't hiding anything" Wanda responds as her hand falls on your shoulder.

"It's OK, stay calm, you're safe here" Her voice in your head again.

"We both know Fury wants her here for the foreseeable Stark and we both know you're not going to hand HYDRA a fucking weapon" Romanoff raises her voice as she glares across the table.

"Language" you hear Rogers complain.

"Come on Y/L, I'll find you a room" Natasha motions as you rise from your seat, Wanda behind you.

A weapon, you think, surely she doesn't mean me?

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