Chapter 7

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After Natasha left, Wanda introduced you to Carol. Everyone seemed excited to see her, but while you were sure she was great, you were beginning to feel a little like a spare part standing around in the doorway. It was a relief when Tony suggested a party to celebrate, and Wanda dragged you away to get ready.

Wanda picked out an outfit for each of you and left to shower, suggesting you do the same.

For a while, you stand under the water trying to work out why Nat had reacted the way she did. With a sigh, you turn off the shower and step into the steam filled bathroom.

As you towel dry your hair, you realise you don't own a hairdryer. You cross the hallway and knock on Natasha's door. You can hear her moving around inside, but she doesn't answer. You try again, still nothing.

You're trying to decide whether to knock a third time when Wanda exits her room. She gives you a sympathetic look before motioning for you to join her.

You enter her room and take a seat. Wordlessly, she starts to help with your hair, avoiding your eyes in the mirror.

"Hey, Wanda?" You question as the hairdryer clicks off. "Did I do something?"

"You? No, of course not. Why would you think that?" She asks.

"Well, Nat..." You turn to look at her, making it harder for her to ignore you.

"Nat," She sighs. "Nat has a headache. She'll be fine, you'll see." she grabs your hand and drags you downstairs, putting an end to your questions.

Stepping into the party, you're surprised by just how many people arrived in such a short space of time. Each of the familiar faces you've lived with this week is surrounded by several you don't recognise.

You follow Wanda to the bar where a brunette hands her a drink. Wanda smiles warmly at her before motioning to you.

"Maria Hill, meet Y/N Y/L/N."

"Fancy a drink, Y/N Y/L/N?" Maria raises an eyebrow in your direction.

You glance at Wanda before looking to the floor.

"I don't trust suits," you think, trying your hardest to project your thoughts to Wanda and hoping she is listening.

"You can trust this one, or at the very least you can trust me." her voice responds almost instantly.

"She'll take anything strong," she says out loud.

Over her shoulder, you see Nat enter the room. You make eye contact and raise your hand to wave. At the same time Maria hands you a drink, you thank her and by the time you turn back you have lost sight of Nat.

You turn your attention back to the bar where Wanda and Maria are laughing. You make small talk for an hour or so. The conversation is easy, and you laugh a lot.

Maria asks about your powers and training. You keep your answers vague but allow the fire to dance in your eyes. You smile as Maria stares entranced. It isn't until you feel Wanda's hand on your arm that you realise your hands are glowing and you're attracting attention from around the room. You shrug as you let the power go and excuse yourself to use the bathroom.

As you head back, you stumble, the alcohol has taken a bigger impact than you realised. An arm grabs you, steadying you before you can fall. As you look up, you see Carol smiling at you.

"Newest Avenger, huh?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Strongest Avenger," you respond. Her laugh tells you she's heard about your test.

"Mind if I join you?" She asks, nodding towards Wanda and Maria.

You don't answer, feeling eyes watching you. Across the room, you spot Nat. She's dancing with a girl, their bodies close, her eyes on you. As she looks away, they laugh, and your mind flashes back to how you laughed together just a few hours ago. There's an unpleasant feeling in your stomach, like it's been tied into knots.

"Y/N?" Carol gets your attention.

"Sure, join." You mumble heading back to your original location.

Wanda looks at you and narrows her eyes. She glances in Nat's direction.

"Well, shit..." She announces, and you know she's in your head again.

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