Chapter 3

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A scream fills the compound, shattering the silence. Wanda exits her bedroom almost colliding with Natasha as she takes the stairs two at a time.

They reach your doorway together and as they enter footsteps can be heard in the corridor as the others respond to your screams.

Wanda's hands glow red and she braces herself for a fight but the room is empty. Natasha enters your bathroom, her shoulders relaxing when she sees there is no intruder.

"It's a nightmare guys, go back to bed" She tells a dishevelled Steve and Bruce as they enter the room.

They're reluctant but she pushes them out and closes the door.

Behind her, your screams continue while Wanda tries to wake you, she reaches for your hand. As soon as she touches it she feels your terror and the images in your head fill hers.

A dark room, you're chained to the floor. The floor is wet. A flash, your body convulsing on the ground as the current hits you.

Another room, a chair you're bound to. You beg, pleading that you can't do what they ask. They don't listen, the red hot iron hits your skin, you feel it bubble and blister.

You're chained to a table, your face is covered. A voice asks questions you don't understand. You open your mouth to answer and the water hits you, you can't breathe, you feel yourself drowning.

The images continue along with your screams. Wanda pulls her hand away placing it over her mouth. She puts it back, taking a deep breath to focus while Natasha looks on helpless.

"You're safe, we're here, you can open your eyes" She tells you. "You're safe, we're here, nobody will hurt you again".

You gasp as she breaks through and finally wakes you. You feel the tears on your face and see the way they both look at you.

"Wanda..." Natasha starts.

"It's OK Nat, she's OK now".

"I'm sorry" you mumble, sitting up and lowering your feet to the floor. "Wanda is right, I'm fine"

"Y/N..." Wanda touches your hand "That wasn't a dream was it? Memories, they felt like memories"

"It's nothing" you reply, getting to your feet.

You go to the bathroom to wash your face, composing yourself before you re-enter the bedroom.

They're whispering when you do and you know Wanda is explaining what she saw. You see the concern on Natasha's face and you sigh.

"I guess they're memories" you sit on the bed "from when they had me, before I mean"

Wanda's eyes dart to your wrist, your arms. You know she's looking for the wounds she just saw.

"They healed" you state "they always heal".

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