Chapter 24

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You're woken by the sound of Wanda calling your name.  As your eyes focus, you realise you're now alone on the Sofa, the movie over.  You hear Wanda laugh softly at your confusion and turn your head towards the sound.

"Dinners ready." She nods her head in the direction of the kitchen.

You get to your feet and follow her across the room.  As you reach the kitchen, you see Peter stirring a pot.

"I made mac n cheese," he shrugs.

"Is that safe?" You raise an eyebrow "a few hours ago he wasn't sure how difficult sandwiches were"

"Wanda taught me," he laughs, filling bowls and carrying them towards the dinner table.

"Thank you," you smile at them both before eating.

The food is good and you're comfortable in their company.  Peter talks a lot about a girl from school, you can tell he likes her but he denies it while blushing.  You ask Wanda to train with you more often. She agrees but asks you to help train her in return, much to your surprise.

With the food finished, you volunteer to wash the dishes. Since you slept through the cooking, Wanda offers to dry them, but you decline and tell her you'll be through shortly.

Peter has set up a horror movie when you return to the main room.  You slip back into your previous seat, and he starts the film.  The effects are awful, the jumps predictable.  The three of you laugh at the cheesy parts and laugh even harder when Wanda lets out a squeal with one of the scares.

Before you know it, you're all yawning.  You say goodnight to the others but spot Wanda climbing to her feet and wave her away.

"I'll be fine," you assure her as you head to the stairs.

As much as you believed it when you said it, it is Peter who crashes through your door in the early hours as your screams pierce the silence of the compound.  The nightmares you thought were gone returning with the absence of the safety Natasha helps you feel.

"Y/N wake up" Wanda's voice is in your head trying to pull you back to the real world "You're safe Y/N, we're here, you need to wake up now"

Another scream fills the compound. In your nightmares, you fight back, and you feel your head colliding with an unseen object

"Y/N!" Wanda screams your name this time, finally pulling you back to consciousness.

You're sweating and gasping for breath.  A pair of strong arms are around your upper body, restraining you from behind.  You scramble free before realising it was just Peter.  Blood drips from his lip, which is already swelling.  You rub the back of your head, connecting the dots.

"Peter, I'm so sorry." You feel a knot of guilt in your stomach.

"Hey, it's fine." he shakes his head. "I've had worse."

"How long?" You turn your eyes to Wanda.

"Longer than usual," She admits. "I thought they were over?"

"So did I," you mumble to yourself.

You watch Wanda help Peter clean up his lip while trying to convince them both that you're fine and they can leave.  Eventually, they relent on the condition that the next time one of them stays with you as Nat and Wanda had once done.

You lie awake for a while, listening to the silence of the compound.  Once you're sure the others will be asleep, you climb out of bed with a sigh, returning to your old nightly pass time of wandering the compound corridors.

Your days rapidly form a routine.  As the sum rises, you run, pushing yourself as hard as you can, hopeful you'll compete with Steve when he returns. 

Later in the morning, you train with Wanda and Peter, you gain a better grasp of levitation, and Wanda tries to teach you how to read minds. You find it easier to sense emotions than full thoughts.  You train with Peter in hand to hand combat. He isn't up to Nat's standards, but you find yourself beaten as often as you win.

Each afternoon, Peter studies while Wanda helps you in attempting to research your family, hoping for just any nugget of information. You mostly come up empty-handed.

After dinner, the three of you watch movies or play board games.  You all laugh together a lot, but your mind is never far from Natasha or the unease you feel at the lack of contact with her.

The nightmares returned on night two, Peter spent the night in your chair watching over you.  He now alternates nights with Wanda, who sleeps beside you much like she did when you first joined the compound.

You fall into bed beside her on night nine, exhausted from the combination of your daily training and limited sleep.  You hear her breathing slow beside you shortly before you give in and close your eyes.

It feels like only seconds later, you're woken, only this time it isn't Wanda's voice that interrupts your sleep.

"...INTRUDERS IN THE COMPOUND" F.R.I.D.A.Y broadcasts the warning through the intercom in your room "INTRUDERS IN THE COMPOUND"

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