violent love affair chapter 4

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"What did he say?!" Ichigo snapped turning to face the tall man.

"You heard me," Nnoitra responded, keeping his eyes locked on Nell.

She stared back. Nnoitra felt his breath slightly hitching in his chest and he wasn't sure why. It had to be in with anticipation. He was ready for their fight; ready to beat her ass for that stunt she pulled at the club. Nnoitra immediately closed the distance between them and brought his fist up. Before the blow landed, he felt someone else's fist go hard across his cheek.

He stumbled slightly before turning to face the orange-haired man. "So you want some too carrot top?!"

"You're damn right you skinny piece of shit! Shut up and leave Nell alone!"

Nnoitra smiled. He began the process of removing his shirt. He could feel Nell's eyes glued on him. When he tossed his jacket and shirt on the ground, he purposely ran a thin hand down his hard stomach, stopping to grip the belt buckle holding his pants up. He leaned back slightly and continued smirking at her.

Nell was lost for words. His body was flawless. True, he was a little thin, but it was sexy the way every line traced down his stomach. There was no fat to be seen at all on him. She liked the way his boxers showed slightly above his slightly sagged pants. They weren't sagged a lot, they were just low on his hips in a way that exposed the v etched into his sides. She found herself licking her lips instead of focusing on the idea that he and her best friend were about to trade blows.

Suddenly he was in front of her, an arm pressing against the wall above her head. He looked down at her with that crazed smile Nell remembered from the day before.

"See somethin' ya like?"

Don't you give him the satisfaction of knowing you're still attracted to him while you're sober, she thought fiercely.

"No," she said firmly as her tan eyes met his violet ones.

"After I'm done kicking your friend's ass, I'm coming for you."

Though what he said was definitely a threat, Nell found herself feeling tense with anticipation. Ichigo cracked Nnoitra in the jaw again. She watched, gaze unable to drop from the two who were about to really get serious about their fight. Nell was sure that Nnoitra wasn't going to let Ichigo get away with hitting him twice.

"Whose ass are you going to kick?"

Nnoitra turned to Ichigo, returned the punch, and caught him square in the eye. Ichigo stumbled slightly and Nnoitra tackled him to the floor. They rolled and took turns smashing each other with their fists. Nell noticed they were getting dangerously close to the stairs. She hadn't bothered to stop them because she knew from experience that jumping in a fight would just end up badly. Usually you ended up getting hit for trying to stop it. Sometimes it was an accident, other times it wasn't. Still, at this rate they would tumble down the stairs and could get seriously injured.

"Nnoitra, Ichigo!" she called frantically. "Stop you're too close to the stairs!"

If they heard her they completely ignored her.

"You fight like a bitch!" Nnoitra exclaimed as he threw Ichigo off him.

He stood and brought a long leg up, kicking Ichigo and sending him backwards. Ichigo tried to catch his balance as he teetered on the last step.

"Ichigo!" Nell screamed as he tumbled down the stairs.

She heard a yell of anguish when he hit the bottom. She ran to the edge of the steps and saw his arm was bent at a strange angle. It definitely had to be broken. Nell turned to face Nnoitra with fury. He still wore that sadistic grin on his face.

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