violent love affair chapter 14

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Nelliel was pushing Nnoitra out the door for work. He subtly was fighting her, large grin on his face as he looked over his shoulder at her. She rolled her eyes fondly. "You're going to be late for work!"

"Ah shut up," he responded, turning and hooking an arm around her waist. His large hand reached down to grip her bottom. "There's something else I'd rather work on anyway."

"No!" she squealed when he turned her around and pressed her against the front door, his body flush against hers. "You can't be late."

"Like hell I can," he murmured into her neck. "Stop actin' like you don't want me to stay."

Of course she wanted him to stay, but being late to work for a quickie was not an option. She pushed his wandering hands away and moved behind him once again. "Out, out, out!"

"Tch," he muttered, grabbing his hard hat from the granite counter. "Fuckin' bitch."

The woman let out a sigh when the door finally closed behind him. He seemed to be insatiable when it came to sex. It wasn't like she was denying him anything. He had his way with her at everyday sometimes multiple times a day. She was starting to feel like she may never get to close her legs again. It was time to go see the doctor for birth control as well before she accidentally ended up pregnant. That was the last thing she needed.

It did make her wonder how Nnoitra would be as a father. She couldn't believe that she was actually thinking that far ahead. Despite their physical altercations, his foul mouth, and inability to be social, he meant everything to her. Four months into their relationship and she couldn't remember what her life was like before him. He was her other half, even if they were complete opposites in almost every aspect. In that way, they complimented each other.

Moving away from the front door, Nell headed to their room and began picking clothes up off the floor. Despite the fact that she was constantly cleaning, it seemed like there would always be things right back on the floor again. He was doing better, but Nell could be that he did it sometimes just to piss her off. She blushed when she realized some of it belonged to her and that it was also not salvageable. Nnoitra had a habit of ripping her underwear when he wanted sex. She learned the hard way that, yes, he did like lingerie on her, but it was not worth the money she'd have to spend on it.

With a pile of clothes in tow, Nell walked over to the hamper and placed the clothes that weren't torn to shreds inside. The rest she tossed in the garbage. Just when she was deciding on digging into the pack of Oreos in the pantry before Nnoitra got into them, the doorbell rang. Nell when to answer it and found a sobbing Tetyana standing at her door. Her hair was in shambles as if she hadn't brushed it in a while. When she looked up, her eyeliner was running in streaks down her cheeks. Her eyes were red and puffy and she couldn't stop her breath from hitching in her throat.

Nell's face changed to one of concern while pulling her inside. "What's wrong?"

"My mother just died," she sobbed. "I just…I don't know what to do."

The blonde plopped down into one of the wooden dining chairs. She raked her hands through her hair, stopping midway to grip it tightly by the roots. The other woman handed her a box of tissues.

"Would you like some tea?" Nell questioned. "It will help calm you. I'm so sorry for your loss."

"It wasn't like I didn't know," Tetyana answered honestly. "But it still hurts so much that she's not here." She blew her nose and sniffed again. "Yes, I would like some tea."

"We never are prepared for when our loved ones leave this Earth," Nell answered, knowing just what Tetyana was going through especially after experiencing the same situation.

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