violent love affair chapter 11

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Once Tetyana got home, she flipped open her phone and dialed. It rang for a few moments before someone answered. "Hey," she said sweetly. "I want you to come with me to the beach with someone."

"Is it with the girl you've been talking about?" he asked and she could hear the interest in his voice.

"Yes," Tetyana responded smugly. "She fell for it so easily it was depressing. I was hoping for a challenge, but she doesn't seem to be much of one."

"If she wasn't, wouldn't you already have Nnoitra to yourself?"

She frowned. She hated it when he pointed out the obvious. "I just can't think straight when I'm around him. He's so rugged and strong. I melt around him."

Her friend chuckled quietly. "Alright I'll come just so I can get a good look at this man and see if he's even worth the fuss. If not, I won't be interested in helping you."

"Oh you'll like him just fine," Tetyana responded as she pulled a cigarette from her purse. She lit it and dragged on it deeply, not caring that the apartment was supposed to be smoke free. She exhaled. "He's even more attractive than his father. That's why I want you to see him in person."

"Indeed. I've wondered why you refused to send pictures of our newest...obsession."

"Well it's settled," she responded taking another puff. "Come by at two in the afternoon so we can discuss everything. See you then Aizen."

She hung up the phone and picked up a picture she had taken from Nell's apartment. It was of her and Nnoitra. She was sitting in his lap with one leg poised in the air smiling brightly while Nnoitra looked at her irritably. Tetyana had scribbled out her face with black marker and cut out a picture of her own face to replace Nell's. She held it to her chest and smiled wickedly. Soon he would belong to her.

"Why not Nnoitra?" Nell said irritably over the phone. "She's not going to hurt you."

"I'm not going anywhere with that creepy bitch and you can't convince me otherwise," he snapped.

Nell huffed irritably. Tetyana had suggested that they go to the beach together. She would bring Nnoitra and Tetyana would bring a friend of hers. They would go to the movies first and then to the beach to watch the fireworks that night. They wouldn't be going to the beach until around 8 o 'clock when it was cooler, but they would go see a movie around five thirty to pass the time. She didn't know what to say to get him to agree. Maybe seduction would help. It usually did.

"Nnoitra," she said in that voice she knew he liked. "You must not know what fun we can have in the theater."

"Tch," he scoffed. "Can't do nothin' I ain't already done before to ya."

Nell was getting exasperated. "I'll never have sex with you again."

"You think with you being mine I'm not gunna get any pussy? You must be losing it Nell."

She nearly hung up the phone on him. She figured that he didn't like Tetyana at all, but still he could at least do this for her. She would do anything for him so why couldn't he grant the same courtesy? Oh yeah, because he was Nnoitra. The stubborn asshole she cared so much about.

They were silent on the phone for a few minutes before he spoke up. "What time I need to be ready?"

A smile lit her face. "Come to my place by 5:00 tomorrow afternoon. Thank you babe."

He didn't hear her gratitude because he already hung up. Nell stared at the phone. "Jerk."

It was about 4:30 p.m. the following day and Nell was getting ready for their somewhat double date. She had just bought a turquoise bathing suit that looked like it was made of silk. It was a one piece that held her full breasts in place as it wrapped around her neck. The two sections that covered her breast met in a diamond near her stomach and four pieces strapped down, connecting to the underwear part of it. She'd actually gone shopping with Tetyana for it. It complimented her bronzed skin and bright hair beautifully and she couldn't wait for Nnoitra to see her in it.

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