violent love affair chapter 15

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Tetyana readjusted herself and hauled Nnoitra up. From the difference in height, she would be dragging most of him on the ground. That would be completely inconvenient and probably impossible. She did go to the gym to keep her strength up so carrying him in a way that his feet weren't dragging wouldn't be easy, but it would be possible. The transgender put him back down and gathered him in his arms like a child. She moved out the front door, closing it with her foot. When she reached the door, Tetyana realized that she would look questionable carrying him in that fashion. Dragging him was the only option. As he descended down the stairs, people watched curiously.

"Nnoitra if you keep drinking this much, you're going to end up in the hospital," she said playfully, but loud enough for others to hear. "I'd better let you stay the night at your brother's."

That seemed to be enough to quell people's curiosity. They began to disperse and continue what they were doing, but not before someone came to help her place Nnoitra in the front seat of her car.

"You're a good friend to take care of him when he's this drunk," the stranger said, giving her a smile.

"I try," she responded while returning the smile and snapping the seat belt around Nnoitra's unconscious form. The man waved kindly before leaving and Tetyana made her way to the driver's seat. Cranking up the car, she drove off into the dark of the night.

Nell woke up groaning. Her neck, back, butt and legs were killing her. More than anything, her head was pounding. It felt like she had been hit by a truck. Nell went to rub her temples, but realized she couldn't move her arms. She struggled to open her eyes. When she did, everything seemed to be swimming in front of them. Once she was able to focus them, she looked down at herself and saw that she was sitting in a wooden chair. From trying to move her hands, she found that they were tied behind her. Her feet were in the same predicament.

Her head felt so heavy and she had trouble controlling its movements. It was obvious that she had been drugged. When did that happen? She tried hard to think back over the day's events. It was hazy, but then she thought hard and remembered Tetyana coming over upset.

"She must have put something in the tea," Nell breathed. "Fucking wench."

Nell looked around as much as she was able. Her head felt like it was lolling on her neck. Through her blurred vision, she saw grey walls around her. There was a staircase over to the right of the room and a single light bulb hanging a few feet in front of her. Turning her head as best as she could to the left, Nell saw a bed with multiple holding devices scattered all over it.

She obviously had been kidnapped, but why? She had started to believe that Tetyana was a good friend. They spent a lot of time together. They hung out all the time and sometimes had girl's nights at Tetyana's place like they were teenage girls again. Those contraptions looked very dangerous and the woman could feel her heart starting to pound in her chest. The person she'd thought she knew was clearly a farce.

"I see you're awake."

Nell turned her head painfully to where the voice came from. There was someone standing in the shadows. "Who are you?"

The person took a step into the light. Nell was confused at who was standing there. "Aizen? What is the meaning of this?"

He chuckled. "It's simple my dear. We want Nnoitra and you are in our way."

"Who is we?" Nell questioned. She was silent for a moment. "Tetyana."

She remembered how the blonde acted towards her when she accidentally bumped into her a while ago. The woman claimed to be Nnoitra's woman, but later on she admitted that she only had a blind affection for him. It was obvious that Nnoitra didn't feel the same. Nell smirked knowing that she was the one who captivated his attention. That still didn't explain why they kidnapped her. Were they really that twisted?

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