violent love affair chapter 6

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Nnoitra woke up with the feeling of weight on his chest. He opened his eyes and saw Nell asleep on top of him. Her breathing was even and deep. Long hair draped over him like a blanket. One of her hands was stretched out near her head that was nestled comfortably on the left side of his chest.

"Tch," he muttered.

He rolled over which made Nell fall onto the floor with a thump. Nnoitra looked at her in amazement when she did not stir. He just sat there for a moment, completely shocked. He purposely moved so she would fall on her face, but she didn't even make a sound. Damn, she was a super heavy sleeper.

"What the hell?" He grasped her by her hair and hauled her up. "Wake the hell up!"

Nell groaned slightly and opened her eyes. "Hey," she said sleepily.

"Hey," he responded as he dropped her on her ass.

"Nnoitra!" she exclaimed as she stood up, still naked from their earlier endeavors.

Nnoitra headed to the bathroom, scratching the back of his head as he went. "Get your shit and go. I have places to be."

Nell was surprised by his bluntness, but then again she wasn't. She quickly placed her clothes back on, face solemn with irritation. "You're an asshole."

"Tell me somethin' I don't know," he responded as he shut the bathroom door.

"That jerk," she said through gritted teeth as she exited the apartment.

Nell moved down the stairs and looked at her watch. Her eyes widened when she read 5:15 PM. She hurried to her apartment and unlocked the door. Ichigo and Rukia's were mouths' were locked together, hands all over each other's bodies…well at least one of Ichigo's hands. Her roommate raised a hand to her as she ran by, not releasing his grip on Rukia's lips. Nell grabbed some clothes and a towel and sped into the bathroom. She showered and once she was finished, she brushed her teeth and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. If she didn't move it, she was going to end up late and her boss would not like that.

Taking a quick look in the mirror, Nell adjusted the silver shirt that she was wearing to make sure the swoop wasn't too far down. She thought the thick silver belt was around her waist was too much silver, but she ignored it for now. She placed baby blue hoop earrings in her ears and applied a thin layer of lip gloss. Nell rushed to her room and threw open the closet door. She frantically looked over her collection and picked out some blue three inch heels that matched her earrings.

Nell quickly slipped them on, grabbed her purse off the dresser and swiftly exited. She walked past the intertwined couple once more. "Gone to work, see ya, love ya bye."

Nell jogged down the stairs and headed to her car. Once she was inside, she threw on some shades and backed out of the parking lot. Despite having to rush, she made it to work ten minutes early. She was really happy she did. Her boss did not tolerate lateness. She stepped out of her car and walked into Smile's Salon.

Nell got waves from the few other people who worked there. She went to the employee's room and placed her purse inside the little safe they kept in the back room. She took out her wallet and phone, putting it in her back pocket before doing so. She didn't want to take any chances.

Nell walked back out to the receptionist. "Hey, Rangiku."

Rangiku turned to face her. Her large breasts were exposed as usual. Square rimmed glasses framed her round face and her orange hair was pulled back into a bun, a few strands loose around her cheeks.

"Hey dear," she said kindly as she smiled at her. "You have an appointment at 6:05 for a Mr. Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez and after him a Mr. Coyote Starrk."

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