violent love affair chapter 3

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Nnoitra dragged himself up the stairs of his apartment. He walked past one of his neighbors, a short blonde girl who always seemed to be staring at him. He wasn't sure if she was infatuated or afraid of him. Either way, it pissed him off when people just stared and didn't say anything.

"What the hell are you looking at?" Nnoitra snapped as he brushed past her.

She didn't say anything, but just scurried inside her apartment. Nnoitra shook his head as he unlocked his apartment. "She's so fucking weird."

He entered and pulled all the blinds shut. The sunlight was adding to his headache. Luckily he didn't have to work until later on that afternoon. Walking over to his small living room, the tired male stretched, enjoying the pop his back made. Nnoitra flopped down on his lumpy leather couch. It was so hard finding one that fit him. His bed was king size and was still too short. Eventually he was going to have to have one specially made and knew it was going to cost him out of his ass to get it.

Nnoitra sighed and put one of the grey couch pillows over his face. He couldn't get that woman out of his mind. Nelliel. Such a fierce fighter, both in the bed and out of it. He could see her hair sprawled out around her head, the way she bit her lip as he pounded into her, how delicious she tasted on his lips...the sting of when she brought her hand across his face. Nnoitra's length hardened slightly.

"Fuck," he cursed. "I don't fuckin' like her. I just wanna beat her ass."

He tried hard to convince himself that was all that it was. Just a fight for dominance, but the male knew he was lying to himself. There was something about that beautiful girl. He didn't know what exactly it was, but right now with his headache pounding, he didn't give two fucks. He ignored his erection and went to sleep.

Nell rushed into her home. It was so embarrassing with the looks she got while she drove home and the drools she got as she entered the apartment complex. She quickly went to her bathroom and dropped the sheet she used to cover her body. She knew right then that she was going to burn the damned thing. Nell looked over her body in the large mirror. She could see bruises forming on her hips.

She remembered her night with Nnoitra somewhat after she realized where she was. It was just hard admitting she had sex with him while drunk off her ass. She needed to lay off the Coke and rum, but it was hard since it tasted so good.

Nell brushed her fingers over bruises. She had a hickey on her left breast.

"Did I really let him call me a bitch last night...and like it?"

She was truly surprised with herself since she really did despise the word when it was used in a derogatory way against women. Nell sighed angrily and walked over to her room, grabbing some cotton shorts, a bra, and underwear. It was then that she noticed her nether regions were sore.

"He must have been good," she said quietly.

Soon, the sound of rushing water was heard as the bathtub was filled. Nell stepped in softly before sitting and letting the steam enveloped her. She picked up her shampoo and washed her hair thoroughly. She dunked her head completely under the water and then proceeded to wash her body. A vision of that tall man swam through her mind. Shaking her head, she tried to rid him from her thoughts, but was unsuccessful. Nell could see his lean body as he removed his shirt and the way his violet eyes narrowed when his smile crossed his face.

"Nnoitra," she whispered as she turned off the water.

She dried off and put on her clothes. She wasn't in the mood for wearing a shirt so she didn't bother; she put on a satin black bra. She flipped on the TV and turned it to the music channel. Use Somebody by Kings of Leon blasted out of the speakers. The woman found herself singing along to the lyrics. She listened and sang while air drumming to the beat.

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