Chapter 3: Guys Night Out

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Song- Do what i gotta do by Landon Tewers

"Again!" Coach yells jumping around the ring

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"Again!" Coach yells jumping around the ring.

I throw a jab at coach's chest with my left hand and follow up with a hook to his jaw with my right. Coach stumbles back a little but quickly recovers. He throws a left jab at me, but I see it coming and duck under before he's even finished delivering it.

"Nice, keep paying attention to the direction of my body." Coach says as we circle each other.

I see his body turn the slightest bit to the left and watch as he steps forward with his right foot. I sidestep the right jab he sends my way.

Coach always goes over the basics leading up to a match. Just like with every sport it's important to remember the basics.

I shift my weight on my feet as I bounce up and down on my toes. Defense is my strong suit so I focus more on that. I cross my left arm over my chest and throw a rear hook with my left arm. Coach dodges it and delivers an uppercut right into my jaw.

"Fuck." I mumble as I stumble back.

"Nice one Coach." Milo says from his spot on the side, raising up a fist for a fist bump. Coach bumps his fist and starts taking off his gloves.

"Nice work today King. I know it's only the basics and might not have been the most exciting thing to do today, but I must say your definitely ready for your match against Shaw." He says patting my back. I nod and start stripping off my gear and step out of the ring.

"Hey King!" I turn as I hear Kai call my name. "You up for some drinks at O'briens." I hesitate to answer not wanting to be hungover for practice tomorrow.

"I know what your thinking King." Coach says from his spot behind the desk. "Don't you dare say no, Get your ass out of here and let loose." He says as he picks up a stack of papers. "And don't even think about coming in tomorrow. You have a match in two days, you don't need to be sore from practice."

"Yes sir." I chuckle, "Looks like i'm joining you guys tonight." I don't always say no, but I'm not much of a drinker, and much prefer to be at home.

I make my way towards the bathroom to freshen up before I join the others outside. I throw on a pair of black shorts, and a white t-shirt. Paired with white sneaker.

It's a nice night out. Beginning of august so the suns just barely beginning to set as it hits eight o'clock.

The guys and I make our way through the town. The gym is right on the end of town, and not to far away from the local bar O'breins.

"You ready for your match against Shaw?" Luca asks as he walks up next to me on the sidewalk.

"I am. I've watched a couple of his matches on t.v and studied his moves the best I can. He's pretty simple to figure out. He always steps before he punches, and doesn't even try to hide the way his body turns toward the direction he's about to punch." I say as we move to cross the street.

Shaw should be an easy match compared to others that I've fought. But I won't try any less when I'm in that ring, I will give it my all. You never know how much your opponent has grown since the last match he fought in.

"Your both extremely experienced so it will definitely be a fair match, But I have no doubt that you'll kick his ass. Maybe lay down a KO if you can." He says as he shoves hands in his pockets, a smirk on his face.

The Dark light up sign of O'briens comes into view, as we get closer we can hear the music blaring from inside. O'Brien's is not a big bar, and it is always jam packed inside. With music playing to loud for you to hear your friends. A pool table and darts set up in one corner, guys cheering for their friends. A small open section in the middle that people use as a dance floor.

"Who's ready to get drunk!" Milo says coming up behind us and throwing his arms over both our shoulders. "I know Kai is." He says in a singsong voice as Kai appears next to me.

"Shut the hell up." He says turning to toward Milo, glaring at him. "It was one time, get over it."

"Oop, someone's grumpy." Milo says, pulling his arms off of us. "All I'm saying is, that if you ever need a dance partner I'm always up for it." Kai stops in his tracks, narrowing is eyes before pouncing on Milo.

"Ahhh. Roman help me." Milo says as Kai puts him in a headlock. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Is the last words I hear before Luca and I enter the bar, leaving Kai and Milo to deal with each other.


I laugh with Luca as we watch Milo dance like a girl against Kai. He grinds his hips against him, his back to his chest, He throws his arms up behind him around Kai's neck.

Kai stands there not in the mood. He made sure to barely drink anything, to afraid he'd get drunk again and have Milo talking about it for the next week.

Milo dragged him onto the the dance floor when a Rihanna song started playing and hasn't let him leave. I shake my head as I continuing to watch Milo grind up against Kai. The girls around him cheering him on.

"Ten o'clock." Luca says shoving my shoulder. I look across the bar to see two very attractive women. One blonde, and one with red hair. The red head definitely caught my attention.

Before I could look away she turned my way and made direct eye contact. I smirked at her as I finally got a good look at her. She was wearing a tight dark green mini dress. She had a dark lipstick on and black heels. She tapped her friend and said something before they both headed our way.

I held her gaze as she made her way through the crowd. She was quite short, Maybe 5'2 in her heels. She slid her tongue across her teeth as she finally came to a stand in front of me.

"Hello." She said batting her eyelashes, placing her hand on my arm. I tilted my head down slightly to look at her. Her friend immediately took a liking toward Luca.

"Hello gorgeous." I said downing the rest of my drink.

She runs her nicely manicured nails up my arms as she takes the empty glass from my hand and places it on the bar behind me.

"What's your name." I ask. I'm not one to constantly hook up with girls but I haven't been laid in a while and it would definitely be nice.

"Lucy." She says. "And yours?"

"Roman." I answer.

"Well Roman." She leans up to my ear, her lips brushing my ear. "How about you buy me a drink and take me back to your place." She pulls away from my ear. "I always have a drink to get to know the guy before I get with them, so if your not up to buying me a drink and letting me get to know you a bit, then i'll be on my way."

"Mhm." I hum. "A girl who knows what she wants" I say raising my hand for the bartender. "I like that." I say running my hand up her hip. My other hand twirling a piece of her ginger hair between my fingers before tucking it behind her ear. "So what drink would you like."

I know it's a Short chapter, I'm sorry

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