Chapter 14: Model

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Song: when will I see you again by Shakka

I groan as I slap my hand across my beside table, my eyes still closed

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I groan as I slap my hand across my beside table, my eyes still closed. My hand slaps the table unable to find my phone. The annoying sound of my alarm is blaring in my ear and ruining my morning.

"Shut up!Shut up!" I open my eyes for a brief second and hit the snooze button.

Five more minutes won't hurt.

My alarm goes off for the third time this morning and I finally tap the stop button. I roll over and glance at the clock.

"Oh shit!" I yell as I see the time. I'm going to be so fucking late. I roll over, my legs tangled in my sheets causing me to fall off my bad.

"Ugh." I groan as my body hits the hardwood floor of my bedroom. I quickly detangle myself from my mess of sheets and shuffle over to my closet.

I throw my closet door open and go to my shoes. My small closet is only filled with comfy clothes, and the few extravagant dresses I have . So I can't wear anything in here.

I quickly grab a pair of Black boots with a slight heel.

"You can never go wrong with black boots." I mutter to myself as I settle myself in front of my clothing rack. It's mostly filled with club dresses and my sundresses, a couple tank tops here and there.

I pull two different black dresses off of the rack and hold them up against myself in front of my floor mirror. One of them is a little to short to wear to work so I hang it back up.

Luckily my job allows me to wear anything I want, plus today's photo shoot is for a modeling company so my biggest worry is being underdressed.

The sound of rain echos through my apartment as I make my way over to my dresser. This only really holds pants and undergarments. I pull open the top two drawers and get out a bra and underwear.

I make my way down the stairs and hurry into my bathroom.

I have to pee so bad.

I drop my folded clothes on the top of the counter, turn on the shower and quickly pee. I pull my hair out of my face, so I don't get it wet. I washed my hair yesterday morning.

I rush through my shower routine, skipping my hair, and hop out of the shower. I dry off and let my hair down. I hang my towel back up and slip my bra and underwear on. My body still slightly wet, making me cringe as I struggle to put my bra on.

I put my lotion on and deodorant before pulling on my dress. I adjust the straps as I stare at myself in the mirror, I look a mess. I brush through my hair and plug in my straightener.

As it's heating up I start my makeup. I brush my teeth. Once I am done my straighter is ready. I roughly straighten the bumps out of my hair, yelping when I burn my ear.

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