Chapter 27: My girl

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My hands shake as I grip the cold bathroom counter

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My hands shake as I grip the cold bathroom counter. I stare at the person in the mirror, my cheeks shiny with the residue of my tears. I choke on a sob, my head hanging down.

They knew. They knew what was happening today and they still decided that now would be the best time to tell me.

I snap my head up at the sound of a soft knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey kid, you alright in there?" Coach asks. His voice sounds muffled as my head pounds.

I nod before realizing he can't see me, "yeah."

"Okay, I don't want to rush you but you've got twenty minutes before you gotta be out there."

He doesn't wait for a response as he walks away from the door. I hear the sound of the dressing room door opening and closing, before I  know he's fully left the room.

I frantically pull open the bathroom door, my eyes searching for my phone. I find it squished between two couch cushions, I quickly enter my password, before typing the familiar phone number that I will forever have engraved in my mind.

The phone rings three times before she answers, "Hey baby, what's up?"

"Arabelle." I choke out.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?" She asks softly, she must pull the phone away from her ear, because I hear her muffled voice talk to someone. The soft sound of her feet walking up wooden steps let's me know she's left to go somewhere more private.

"Talk to me baby. What's going on?"

"I-" I breathe in a deep breathe attempting to calm myself down, "it's final, they got a divorce. My parents got a divorce."

"Oh Ro, I'm so sorry."

God I wish she was here with me right now.

"Did they just tell you?" She asks.

"Yeah, about ten minutes ago. And it wasn't even over a phone call. They fucking texted in the family group chat to let me know that they were separating ." I spit out angrily. "Fuck, I'm so mad at them. They know what's happening today."

"Roman-" Arabelle starts, but I cut her off before she can finish.

"They know that I am facing my biggest opponent in less then thirty minutes. They know that this match is my biggest one of my career, and they decided that now would be the best fucking time to tell me." I grit out.

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