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Song is in the middle of the chapter

Song is in the middle of the chapter

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8 months later

"Girls! Let's go!" Roman shouts from the bottom of the stairs.

Willows head shoots up from my lap and I look at her and smile, "you ready to go on an adventure?"

She jumps up and stares and me, "you ready?" I ask again and she goes crazy.

She jumps on top of me, smacking my neck with her tough paws. She jumps off of the bed and dashes downstairs to meet Roman.

I hear Roman talking to Willow like she's a baby as I get up from the bed and adjust my hair and my light purple sundress. I throw on some lipgloss and my white sandals before making my way downstairs.

"Let's go, beautiful." Roman twirls his keys around his pointer finger and looks at me over his black sunglasses.

He's dressed in black bathing suit bottoms and a white t-shirt.

He has yet to tell me where he's taking me, but he has told me to wear a bathing suit underneath my dress. So, I have on a plain purple bikini underneath my dress.

He grabs my hand and leads me out the door, "bye Darcy!" I shout as he closes the door and locks it. Willow is already standing by the door to the car, her tail wagging like the blades on a helicopter.

"Come on girl." Roman runs up to her and messes around with her for a minute before letting her in the back seat.

"Whatcha staring at, Darling?" Roman turns toward me and opens the passenger door for me.

"Nothing." I shrug my shoulders with a sheepish grin on my face.

He grabs my hand and helps me into the car, like how Mr.Darcy assisted Elizabeth into the carriage.

I've forced him to watch that movie about once a month since he surprised me with Darcy on Christmas.

He rolls all of the windows down and I stick my hand out, letting the warm August breeze hit my open palm. My hair flies in my face and I look in the side mirror and see Willow sticking her head out the window, her fur is pushed back revealing her golden brown eyes and a smile on her face.

I grin and look over to Roman to see him nervously tapping the steering wheel.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Never better." His answer is not very reassuring but I leave it be for now.

About halfway through the drive the way we're going seems quite familiar, and it's not until he turns onto a dirt road that I know where we are headed.

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