Chapter 21: Kiss Me

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Go fuck yourself by Two Feet

I can't take my eyes off of Belle as I watch her dance with the other girls

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I can't take my eyes off of Belle as I watch her dance with the other girls. Her body moves effortlessly amongst the crowd of people.

A bright smile lights up her face as she throws her head back, laughing at Mavis as she grinds against her.

Eloise and Eden laugh at them as they dance together.

Belle wraps her arms around Mavis, placing her hands on her hips, guiding Mavis to the beat of the music. Mavis smirks at me when our eyes meet. She tilts her head back onto Belles neck and whispers something in her ear. Belle softly bites her lip, and even though I can't see it, I know she blushing.

"If we didn't know them, I'd assume they were a couple." Milo chuckles as he watches the two girls.

I chuckle softly into my glass as I take a sip of my whiskey. Enjoying the burn as it glides down my throat. I can feel the music in my stomach as it blares throughout the club

The skintight black dress Belle's wearing leaves little to the imagination, and I can't help but glare at all the guys staring at her.

"You are not allowed to glare at all of those guys, if you haven't told Arabelle your feelings." Luca says, bumping my shoulder to get my attention.

"Fuck off." I scoff, downing the rest of my whiskey. My grip tightening around Arabelles drink.

"Hey guys." Mavis sings as she plops herself down into the booth. Milo slides her drink in front of her, and she happily downs what is left.

"Slow down, love." Milo laughs, bringing his knuckle up to her cheek, stroking it softly.

We decided to come to this club a couple blocks down from the place that Milos fight took place. We felt it was only right to celebrate both of Milos wins. The first being his win against Hawk, he completely destroyed him, almost knocking him out. And secondly, we came to celebrate the new couple, Milo finally asked Mavis out.

"Oh boy." I hear Kai mutter. I look over at him, to see him looking at the dance floor.

I direct my eyes to where he is looking, only to see a guy approaching Arabelle. She jumps slightly as he places his hands on her waist.

She turns in his grasp, pushing his hands off of her. He says something to her, and I can't see what she says but whatever it was he didn't like.

Someone from the crowd bumps into Belle, causing her to stumble forward into his chest. He takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around her once again.

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