Y/n vs Shion, power of the megablast

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Y/n was currently at card capital 2 chatting with Kamui, the latter was saying about putting Chrono, Tohoka and Shion in the same team together.

"You sure about this? The three of them are  very unlikely to work as a team."  Y/n asked the Nova Grappler user.

"Positive, i can see those three make a awesome team." Kamui nodded."Actually, i think i should add you to the team too."

"Excuse me? I beg your pardon?"

"Come on, it's a great idea. Your know how important teamwork is, you're the best one to help them."

"Kamui, this team might end up as a disaster."

"Come on, with you guiding them i think they'll be just fine."

"Fine, i hope your right about this Kamui."

After their chat, Chorno and Shion entered the shop, the latter requesting Y/n to have a cardfight with him. Y/n agreed, knowing he used the Royal Paladin clan, he used one of his Kagero decks.

"Pay attention Chorno, since your still kinda new, you may learn something. " Kamui said to Chrono. "Y/n maybe a bit old fashioned, but he still strong enough to go against some top level cardfighters.

"I can definitely see that ..." Chorno said as he remembered Y/n's cardfights.

Stand up "the" vanguard!

Y/n: Lizard runner Undeux  <6000>

Shion :Shining knight Millius < 5000>

"Kagero..." Shion thought.

Y/n: I'm first, draw. I ride Dragon monk Gojo <7000>. Using his skill,  i rest him to drop a card and draw. *Dropping Tejas and drawing one*

Y/n: Turn end.

Damage 0/0

Hand 5/ 5

Shion: Draw. Ride, Lunar Crescent Knight, Felax. <8000> Millius moves. *Moving the forerunner to the back of the vanguard* I call Knight of Reform, Pir. <7000". Calling Pir to the front left. Pir attacks!

Y/n: No guard. Damage check, no trigger.

Shion: Felax attacks with a boost from Millius! <13000>

Y/n: No guard

Shion: Drive check, no trigger.

Y/n: Damage check, draw trigger active, i draw one card, power to Gojo.

Shion: Turn end

Damage 0/2

Hand 5/6

Y/n: Draw,  ride Blazing Core Dragon <9000> , then i call Iron Tail Dragon <7000>, and Gatling Claw Dragon <4000>. Calling them to the left column. 

Y/n: I activate Blazing Core's skill, counterblast one and move Iron tail and Gatling claw to the soul. And then...  *Y/n searches his deck*

Shion: !?

Y/n: Lord of destruction rising thorough sacrifice.... fly and set yourself upon my enemy, Blazing Flare Dragon Superior ride!<10000>

"No way!" Shion said in disbelief.

"It's only his second turn, and he has a grade three vanguard already!?" Chrono asked in disbelief as well.

"That's Y/n for you, you can never truly predict his next move." Kamui said. " Y/n loves to be  unpredictable, that's just his style. What you just saw was classic Y/n."

Y/n the user of the zeroth dragons and the reverse unitsWhere stories live. Discover now