Meeting the user of gear chronicle

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Before i start the chapter i like to say i"ll be adding a oc that will appear in later chapters.

One day at card capital one chrono shindo was talking with kamui katsuragi about some quest, but then saw someone of interest.

Said someone was the same age as him, with h/c hair, e/c eyes, a black shirt with the word seriously? in red,  red jacket, blue jeans , black shoes, red scarf and orange  gauntlets. 

A/n: think mandirin's gauntlets form srmthfg.

" Hey kamui who's that?" Chrono asked.

"Oh him? That's Y/n. He may not look like it, but he's a pretty strong cardfighter. Kamui explained.

"Woah is he really that strong?" Chrono asked surprised.

" Sure is, he has a winning streak , so far he never lost." Kamui explained.

"Woah..." Chrono said surprised.

"Maybe not..." said a shadow figure.

Jeannsong: What the hell? Your not suppose to appear yet!

???: I know i know, i just want to remind you about the great ???"

Jeannsong: "Why you...."

we're experiencing technical difficulties please stand by

A lot of noise is happening in the background

Jeannsong: Pant pant " Sorry about that, that was my oc, he's is a fouthwall breaker, let's get back on track before more fouthwall breakers like Deadpool or Pinkie pie appears. Unlike my oc those i need more that a bat to keep those two down.

Chrono challenged Y/n to a cardfight which Y/n accepted. 

The two placed down their starting vanguard and drew five cards.

Now stand up "the" vanguard. 

Sorry for the short chapter and cilfhanger but i need more time to properly write a cardfight. That and i need to fix the fourthwall my oc broke. If anyone can help me with the cardfights please pm me.

Y/n the user of the zeroth dragons and the reverse unitsWhere stories live. Discover now